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"Okey girls, are you ready to go to practice?" The manager looked at them for a moment

The girls just smiled. They went to the training building at 12.30 pm.

"Okey, the arrangement is going to be change a little. I hope you girls could practice it. Dont be stressed out. I know you guys have a hard time about the accident. I dont want to put more concern on your shoulder. Try to be relax. Now go practice" the dance trainer instruct them

After hours of training, the instructor told them to take a break.

"I am too thirsty. My water just out. Unnie, do you have any water?" Yujin lean on Yena's shoulder.

They currently leaning against the wall at the practice room

"I just ran out off it. I am thirsty too." Yena pouting while looking at her bottle

"Hmm... how about we buy some mineral water at the vending machine?" Hitomi said

"But I have no money" Yujin whining playfully at Hitomi

"Dont worry. I bring my wallet. Just for this time okey Yujin?" Nako said

"Yeayy!!! Thank you unnie" Yujin holding Nako's hand. Nako just gave her smug face to Yujin

"Alright, alright. Let's go Hitomi chan" Nako and Hitomi went out after asking the instructor's permission.

They went to the vending machine. But the machine is currently out of order. They was about to give up when suddenly someone called for them

"Arent you guys from that girl group called Izone?"

They both turn around to the person. It was a fine young lady. She looked skinny but strangely beautifull. Nako and Hitomi bowed to her. She just smiled

"Yes we are. Nice to meet you"

"You are so polite. What are you doing here?" The woman asked

"Ah, we just wanted to buy mineral water but the machine is broken"

"Ouh... I think I have some mineral stock at my office. You want some?"

"Really? Yes, we would like to have some. Thank you very much"

They followed the woman into a room. She brings out a box full of mineral waters

"Here you go" she handed 6 mineral bottles  to them.

"Thank you very much"

"Ah, I am currently selling a beauty products. Its a drink to make your skin much more better. Do you guys want to try?" She looked at them with hopefull eyes. Nako looked at Hitomi. Hitomi just nervously smiled. At that time, they felt something is not right about this woman. She looked so pretty even prettier than before... almost perfect

"I just want you guys to look beautifull like me on stage" she said while holding the bottle to give it to them

"Uhh... thank you, maam." Nako hesistantly take the bottle

"No no, please call me Mira" she smiled

Nako felt cold air blowing behind her neck. She felt scared in the same time amazed by the woman's smile.

"Nako ya" Hitomi whispering to Nako

"Excuse us miss, we have to go now"

"Well then, good bye" she smiled

They quickly walk to the training room

"What is that? She is freaking me out! I had goosebumps!" Hitomi said while showing her hand to Nako

But Nako remains silent. She looked at  the bottle that the woman gave to her.

'Should I try it?'
To be continue🦉

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