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6.30 a.m

*ding dong*

Sakura rush to the door to see who the hell is visiting early in the morning

As she open the door, other members started to join her

It reveals a male postman who is holding a box

"Miyawaki Sakura?" The man asked
"Here is a package for you. Please sign on this paper"
"I didnt order anything" she told him
"But it was stated to this address"

"Unnie, what is wrong?" The youngest member asked
"There are a package meant to be sent here" the postman said
"But I didnt order anything" sakura stated in a very clueless tone

Wonyoung was speechless for a second but then told the elder that the mail must be from one of their fans

Sakura was thinking for a moment and very hesitate to accept it at first but seeing the postman are eager to leave, she decided to accept it

When they both went in to the living room, Chaeyeon is sitting on the couch rubbing her eye and yawning

"Who is that?" She ask
"Nah, just a postman sending gift again" Wonyoung said while joining her unnie sitting on the couch
"Well, why dont you open it?" Chaeyeon said looking at Sakura who was still thinking about the package

She still worried that the package was sent to the wrong address

"Kkura ya, if it wasnt meant for you, we can send it back to the mail office. Why dont you open it first" Chaeyeon said, understanding her best friend's feelings

Finally Sakura gave in. She open the box

The box contains a stuffed doll dress as a lolita. The doll was in a pretty good condition. She noticed there is a hand written letter included in the box
Dear Sakura,
I am a big fan of yours. I wanted to give you something that will make a memorable in your life.
Her name is Mira. She is cute right? I hope you like it

Please stay alive♡♡♡
The last line of the letter send shivers down to her spine

Seeing her unnie face frowning, Wonyoung tries to set a good thoughts that maybe the sender wanted Sakura to stay healthy or to live in a happy life

Meanwhile, Chaeyeon couldnt help noticing strange things about the doll

Suddenly, they heard someone screaming from the kitchen

The Gift- IZ*ONE HORROR FANFICTION Where stories live. Discover now