A New Beggining

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*Back Story*
Nobody's POV

"Jacob, look outside!" Marley yelled.

"Uh why?" Jacob glanced out the window and saw a baby floating in mid-air in the harsh Christmas wind.

"What the F—" He rubbed his eyes.

Marley ran out as Jacob tripped over, trying to yank her back.
"It's too cold out there!" He hollered, as she tried to free herself from Jacob's grasp.

Marley rolled her eyes.
"Oh sorry, there's a BABY on the front porch. And it's snowing. Did I make it quite clear?"

Jacob frowned.
Front porch?
"This baby is possessed. Don't you see it floating?!"

Marley rolled her eyes again.
When they looked out the window again, the baby was gone.

"Eh? Where'd it go?" Jacob scratched his head as his wife slowly opened the door.
He dragged his feet to his wife's side.

There it was.
That little possessed looking thing had stopped floating.

"OH MY GOD." Jacob almost dropped the baby in shock after he had picked it up.

Marley smacked his head.
"Careful! It looks like a newborn baby!"

Jacob shook his head in disbelief.
"No uh ah...look."

The baby wasn't wrapped in a blanket or anything. Instead, it was surrounded by a thick barrier-like field.

Jacob cautiously put the baby on the bed,
but as soon as he did so, the blankets flew everywhere, and the pillows were immediately knocked off.

Marley gasped.
Something was definitely wrong here.
It was like a ghost had entered.

"Sh—she's protected by a to—tornado." Jacob stuttered.
"And sh—she survived..."

She nodded, realizing he was right, and examined her eyes in confusion.

Violet was the color given to the baby. Was that even possible?

"Poor thing" Marley hushed, cradling the baby until it had stopped crying.

Jacob poked at her cheeks awkwardly. He never got as close as a baby to this, especially a very suspicious one. He couldn't believe Marley was treating it like she's nothing scary.

"Squishy." He muttered. "Like a normal baby."

"Go to the police station." Marley ordered suddenly.

"Right now?"


"Aghhh." Jacob whined.

"I'm going with you." Marley said and Jacob slightly nodded, sliding a thick winter coat on.

"This is so unnecessary. Why can't we wait until tomorrow? It's 11:00 at night." Jacob muttered and pouted like a little boy.

Marley rolled her eyes for the third time. "Why did I marry you..." she muttered.
Police officers had no clue who had left the baby. The security cameras showed nothing at all, and the baby just appeared out of thin air.


Just like that.
That made the baby's origins even scarier.

Days zoomed by, and Jacob and Marley grew more and more impatient.

Finally, they decided to raise the child.

Of course, it was mainly Marley who decided.
Jacob sat in the corner of the house and refused to touch the baby again.

"Let's name her Rachel." Marley whispered softly as she closed her eyes.

"But why Rachel?" Jacob asked, interrupting the moment of silence.

"Are you sure you want to keep her Marley? She might be a curse. Appeared out of nowhere. What if she ends up killing us when she's older? Creepy."

"Quit talking, you numbskull."

Little did they know, three more babies were found at the exact same time. It may just be a coincidence that they were so, but maybe it wasn't...

Maybe it was destiny.


😂😂😂 Ik ik, probs not the greatest you've heard. But it WILL get better later on, trust me.....no? Okay.

But don't leave yet!
I got a question for you.

Would you rather fall in a river of piranhas and feel every bite, or would you rather have a super bright flashlight shine in your eyes for the rest of your life?

You can think it or comment it below to show me your thoughts!

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