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Nekisha prov

It had been a few weeks. We has been training hard. I had been training with my parents for hours. Scott had been with me through it all. We've been arguing all night about any and everything. I had just stepped outside to calm down.  I suddenly felt sick and hot and faintish. I looked over to see a shadow following me. "Josh" I said. Before everything went back.

(hours later)

I woke up in an old cellular chained to the floor. My body ached I felt like someone had lit me on fire and stabbed me over and over with a knife. "Are you finay awake" said the voice that sent chills down my spine and fire in my heart. Out of the shadows stepped Jason and his little crew from high school. "What do you want with me " I asked. "I want you I deserve you I'm your mate!!' Shouted Jason. " I hate you You are s waist of space I will kill you, YOUT ARE NOT MY MATE!" I shouted. Jason looked so mad he grabbed a sledgehammer and started beating me with it over and over and over again.  I kept fading in and out of consciousness. "Scott" was the last thing I said before I slipped out of consciousness

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