Izuku midoriya x reader part 4

Start from the beginning

"Emi, tell me when you leave." She turned to him and her eyes were puffy. "Were you crying?" Emi shook her head no. He looked at her and spoke up. "Let's go back to the store. I'll buy you a toy." She perked up and followed him to the store.

She was looking at various toys but couldn't decide. Izuku was getting impatient and picked up a T-Rex toy. "How about this one?" He said. Her eyes lit up and she nodded.

By the time they got to their trip it was noon. "How about we get something to eat?" Izuku said.

They ate at a small restaurant that was empty except for them. "So, have you gotten your quirk?" Izuku asked. Emi nodded vigorously and stood up on the seat.

She grabbed a metal fork and set it down. She stock her hands out and held her breathe. Her face was turning red. "Hey, you don't have to force yourself." Izuku said. The fork lifted up and Emi smiled wide. "Look!" She was so proud. Izuku smiled. "Good Job. That's like your mommy's quirk." He regretted saying that because it caught her attention.

"Can-can you tell me about mommy?" She asked. Izuku clenched his fists and looked down. "Maybe later."

After they ate they went up the trail. It was a trail that went through a dense forest. When they reached the top the two of them gasped at the sight. There was a field of wild flowers and in the distance was a mountain. He looked at Emi and saw how excited she was.

"Wanna get a better view?" He asked her. She nodded and he picked her up and set her on his shoulders. "Woooow!" she exclaimed.

He watched her run through the field, playing with her T-Rex toy. She waved to him and he waved back. It was the first time in a while he felt happy.

He looked behind him and saw a bench. He sat on it and watched Emi.

He was pulled from his thoughts when an old man sat next to him. "Hello." The old man greeted. "Hello." "Is that your daughter?" "Yeah, that's my daughter."

The old man smiled and began to speak. "That's wonderful. I haven't seen my daughter in a long time. I would ove for just a moment with her." Izuku stared at him then looked at his hands. "Yeah, this is the first time I've been alone with her. She's lived with my mom and for the past 5 years I've never been alone with her."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Did the mother leave?" He asked. Izuku's throat tightened. "Y-yes. She past after Emi was born. I-I've been a terrible dad." He clenched his hands tighter. "Well, you can be there for her now." Izuku looked at the old man and nodded and smiled, but the old man was gone. No trace of him.

He was pulled away by a small tug on his shirt. "I lost it." "Lost what?" Izuku asked. "The toy."

They walked around the field looking for it, but never found it. He knelt down and he began to speak. "Sorry, I can't find it Emi. I can get you a new one." "You can't. That was the only one." She said.

"What? There were lots at the store." Izuku said. She shook her head. "That was the one you bought me. I can't get that back. That was the only one. That was the first time, daddy."

His eyes widened and he realized she was right. That was the only toy he bought her.

"Emi, you've been lonely, right?" She nodded. "I hope you had a fun trip. Even though you had to spend it with me." "I had fun." She said.

He looked down and sniffed. "Is it okay if I stay with you? I know that I've been a bad daddy. For a long time. But, I want to be a good daddy. I want us to stay together, is that okay?" He asked. He gave her a small smile and was trying to hold back tears. "I want you to stay." She said.

"Thank you." Izuku said smiling. "Daddy..." Emi said. Izuku looked at her, but Emi looked down. "What is it?" "I don't have to hold it in anymore right?Be-because grandma said the only time I-I can cry is if I'm in the bathroom. Or if I'm in daddy's arms."

Izuku held back his tears, looked at Emi and nodded. Emi hugged his neck and began to sniffle. Then she slowly started to sob. Izuku began to cry and he hugged Emi tightly. "I'm so sorry!" He choked out.

Once they were back on the train, he looked was ready. "Emi, do you want to hear about mommy?" He asked. She nodded and sat next to him.

"Where to start? When your mommy and I first met, she was trying to be brave. When your mommy got nervous, she had a hard time doing anything. I met her on a hill near our high school. So before our first day of school she slapped her cheeks and said everything was going to be okay. Your mommy was weird like that. She really wanted to become a hero so she could help people. She was very kind." he laughed and Emi's eyes lit up.

"What else?" He thought, then a flood of tears came from his eyes. He held his face in his hands. Then he felt a small hand on his own. "Daddy?" Emi began to cry. "Silly, why are you crying?" Izuku wiped Emi's tears then his. "It's nothing bad, I was thinking of mommy."

"Mommy and me were really good friends back in high school, but we were too nervous to say how we felt. Then our friends set up a date for us, it was a disaster." He laughed and told her of all the antics that you two and your friends.

(Y/N), up until now I've been focused on being a pro hero and thinking of the city. But now I have the most important thing of all I need to protect.

Izuku held Emi's hand and smiled at her and she gave him a big smile.

I've found something only I can protect.

Word count- 1711

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