28. Captivity - Loldirr

Start from the beginning

Kirken stood and then proceeded to pace from side to side of the cell. "This is no trick, " he commented as if reading her mind, "Let us have a chat, you and I. A frank and honest chat between two outlaws."


He reached into his pocket before pulling out a small piece of parchment. "A raven arrived today from the west, a message for the Lady Erdudvyl. It appears that our current Duke of Ravenscourt is more intelligent than I give him credit. He identified me as a member of the Black Knife Syndicate and passed on his warnings."

Loldirr frowned, "You're reading Erdudvyl's communications?"

Rolling the parchment up and placing it back in his pocket, Kirken looked at her confused. "I mention to you that I work for a clandestine organisation, hell-bent on controlling Ravenscourt, and you are bothered by the reading of Erdudvyl's messages?"

Feeling numb throughout the whole night, Loldirr took some pleasure in frustrating Kirken. Her observations of the small-statured man were reasonably comprehensive. He had narcissistic tendencies, he loved the attention and he loved importance, to deny either of those brought great irritation towards him. This was all but confirmed when the Emperor refused to speak to him on their arrival to Lionmane, his face was a picture of annoyance and frustration.

Now Loldirr wanted to see it flourish.

"So let's be frank, Kirken of the Black Knife Syndicate, " Loldirr mocked Kirken, "why should I care of your exploits?"

"Because it is I who revealed your true identity to Nimue, who in turn, informed the Emperor. It is I who has scuppered the plans of the Darke child, it is I who will be the ruler of Ravenscourt."

Loldirr chuckled, her laugh grew louder, Kirken's frustrations grew stronger.

"Stop laughing!" he rebuked Loldirr.

"I am Lady Fargold, not some Aex-Igh that you mention."

"You are the last Aex-Igh. You are of the correct age, the similarities between you and your mother are not to be mistaken, and you return with the son of the man who rescued you. Do not take me for a fool. Most see your ruse, I do not." Kirken responded arrogance was puffing up ego exponentially.

"Ethelston placed his trust in you, and now you would see Ravenscourt burn because, let's face it, the Emperor likely only has that on his mind, and for what?" Loldirr asked, confused by his motivation.

"Let me tell you a story, " Kirken mocked, "a story eighteen winters in the making. Emperor Arnaud III was just a simple noble who controlled the south of the Isovine Empire. He had plans to remove your parents and take control of the Empire by force. However, Ravenscourt was key to his success. If he failed to control Ravenscourt, it would rise up and quell any rebellion that would emerge. Fortunately, he identified a weakness, two, in fact, Lord Millendahl and myself. Both of us wanted more than what we had, and with Lord Edric and his only son, Ethelston removed from the equation, Lord Millendahl would become the Duke of Ravenscourt."

He smiled as he told the story, "As I am not of noble birth, what could officially be made mine was minimal, and as a member of Lord Edric's household, I could not be seen to be openly challenging him. As a result, I was given the finances and support to create the Black Knife Syndicate. So while Lord Millendahl was the head of Ravenscourt, it was actually I who controlled it."

"So the plan was to remove Edric and Ethelston? Well, they both lived so you didn't do a very good job." Loldirr taunted.

"The plan was for me to deliver Ravenscourt, which I did, " Kirken responded furiously, "Which allowed for Emperor Arnaud to slay your parents while they slept!"

Loldirr's heart sank. Until now, she had not known how they had died, but the picture was starting to be painted, and it was a picture that was filling her with sorrow and fury.

Kirken had spotted her change in demeanour, he knew he had hit a nerve so he pressed further. "You did not know? The Aex-Igh's had organised a tourney for the nobles of the Isovine Empire. Emperor Arnaud had bought off the Captain of the guard to give him access to their chambers as they slept where he preceded to slaughter them like pigs." his shrill laugh pierced Loldirr's soul as he took pride in explaining the past.

"He continued by executing your brother, however, Lord Edric got to you before you shared their fate." Kirken continued, "but it did not matter, with Lord Edric running, no one was in a position to challenge Emperor Arnaud successfully."

Despite his shrill laughter, the room sounded empty to Loldirr. She had a brother, more flesh and blood, another member of her family she would never meet. Never before had she felt so hollow and lifeless than this moment. She had faced a Death Wraith, rogue's, rapists, among other undesirables, yet it was Kirken Merrithorpe who had wounded her more deeply than any other.

As Kirken stood to his feet, she asked sheepishly "What were their names?"

Laughing as he banged on the door, he looked towards the helpless redhead. "You still don't know their names? Stupid girl!"

As the guards returned to escort Kirken from the room, Loldirr's fury sparked once more, this time more intensely than before. She was not stupid, she was not a girl, she would not be talked to by this man in this way.

"Kirken," she commented, prompting him to turn and face her.

He noticed her eyes were darkened and full of hate and rage, yet she refused to stand, instead, looking at him with eyes that brought a tinge of fear throughout his body.

Loldirr spat on the floor just in front of his feet, "You better pray to the gods that they succeed in executing me this day because if they don't, I will learn ways to inflict the maximum amount of pain on you without allowing you to die. And I tell you now, the gods have never answered any of my prayers."

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