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"I always get nervous when I have to have dinner with his whole family," Jessica sighed as she pulled into Trevor's driveway. "I don't think Mr. Schwartz likes me very much."

"How could he not like you?" Ryan asked. "Did he tell you he didn't?"

"No," she replied as she turned off her car and lifted her phone up to her ear. "You still hear me?"


"It's just a vibe I get from him, like he thinks I'm not good enough for his son. I love him, Ryan. I want to prove myself to him and let him know that I am a good fit as his future daughter in law."

The line was silent.


"I hear you. Just...keep being your beautiful self. When you're you, it's impossible for anyone to not like you," he stated. "So just be you, and soon, he will love you as much as Trevor does."

Jessica giggled. "Well, hopefully not that much." When Trevor opened the door, waved, and stepped out to her car, Jessica said, "I have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Good luck," Ryan said before hanging up.

Jessica opened the car door and quickly hugged her boyfriend. She pulled away to smile at him, whispering, "Hi."

"Hey. Everything okay out here?" he nervously asked.

"Of course. Just talking to Missy."

Trevor placed his hand on Jessica's back and led her inside. "I'm glad you could come tonight."

"Me too. I'm hoping your dad finally likes me tonight."

"He likes you," Trevor said. "He just has a weird way of showing it."

"Like how he doesn't think anyone is good enough for his kids?" she giggled.

Snapping his head down to glare at her, he seethed, "Whatever you do, do not mention the word 'kids' or 'children'."


"Tonight is a...weird night." He grabbed her hand and held it tightly. "It's why I'm really glad you're here. I need someone to help me through tonight."

Jessica paled, speechless. She could only think of the worst. Something about tonight caused everyone in the house to be afraid. Or at least tense. Trevor didn't mention anything bad about tonight's dinner, and she was afraid to ask what it was.

No matter what, Trevor needed her. She planned to be there for him. She refused to let him suffer through the night alone, so she held back onto his hand as tightly as he did. When he stared at her in relief, she felt it as well. No matter what happened, it was just them. She was there to help him through the long dinner ahead.

Mrs. Schwartz quickly ran up to Jessica, giving her a hug. She loved Jessica a lot, thinking of her as a daughter. Jessica saw her as a mother figure, so she was allowed to call her mom.

"Hello, darling. How was cheer practice? Do you think you'll make it to nationals this year?"

"No doubt," Jessica nodded. "There's no reason for us not to. We're the best cheer team in the state. If we don't place top three at nationals, I swear someone is sleeping with the judge."

While Trevor stared at her with wide, warning eyes, Mrs. Schwartz laughed it off. "Doesn't everyone? How else would they win?" She waved them towards the dining room. "Sit. Sit. I'm glad you could be here tonight."

"Is there something special about tonight?"

A pan dropped in the kitchen. Jessica jerked her head over but quickly faced Mrs. Schwartz when she tapped her hand. "Why would there be something special about tonight?"

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