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After Trevor finished his slice of pizza, his dad called him and asked for him to come home. He didn't want to, but he knew it was better not to argue. Otherwise, his dad would ask where he was, and he didn't want to lie and say he was with Xander with the slightest possibility that he ran into Xander already and knew the truth.

Hanging up his phone, he slid it into his back pocket as he stood up from the table. "I'll see you at school, alright?"

"Text me later?"

"Of course." Trevor leaned down to kiss the top of Dante's head.

He tilted his head back and cupped Trevor's cheeks, pulling him down to kiss him properly on the lips. "My dad doesn't care about PDA."

"Depends on what kind. And that goes for any couple," Simon defended.

Dante chuckled and walked Trevor to the door, locking it before walking back into the kitchen. He leaned in the doorway and crossed his arms, staring at the floor. "Did you really like Trevor?"

"Of course," Simon said as he threw away the empty pizza boxes. Turning around, he placed his hands on the counter and narrowed his eyes on his son. "I'm just a bit worried."


"I don't want you to go back into the closet."

Dante jerked his head up, staring at Simon with wide eyes.

"I love you, Dante. No matter what, I will always love you, and I do not want you to go back in the closet and hide your love for anyone."

"I'm not in the closet. I'm out and proud," he defended as he strode up to the counter. "It's only Trevor who's not out, and he has a valid reason. His parents are insanely homophobic, and if he comes out now, his dad will most likely slap him and call him a disgrace before kicking him out. He won't get to take anything of his with him."

Simon was silent as he stared back at his son. He raised his trembling hand and pointed at the door. "I don't like him being in that house."

"Neither does he," Dante exhaled. "But it's just until the end of the school year. Then he'll move out and live with his sister. And then I'll go visit him over the summer and move into my dorm and be close to him. And he won't ever have to see his parents or go into that house again."

"So this is more about him having his own stuff and money, right?"

"He saved every receipt for everything he's ever bought with his own money so he can prove that even though it may be in his parent's house, it belongs to him in the off chance that he does get kicked out. And his bank account has a savings account that only he can access," Dante explained. "This is more about the fact that if he comes out now, he has to move in with Kennedy and finish high school somewhere else, and he doesn't want to be away from me."

"I'm not going to tell him to come out," Simon emphasized, "but if he does get kicked out, he more than welcome here. In the meantime, he can do whatever he wants. It's his life, but he's got us now." Gripping the edge of the counter, he clenched his jaw and tsked. "You said his sister was kicked out. Was that how he found out his parents were homophobic?"

"Not really. They always have been. It was when she was kicked out he realized how severe it was."

"Do you know what happened?"

He nodded. "Regina was there with her when it all began. Kennedy had a girlfriend, Rhonda, who was a year older and in college. Neither of them were out, but their close group of friends knew. Regina is Rhonda's cousin, so she was the first to find out. And she was out shopping with Rhonda and Kennedy and their little group of friends. Some girls were at the mall, and they spotted Kennedy and Rhonda holding hands and gushed over how cute of a couple they were, and they thanked them.

"Turns out they were near some of Trevor's parents' friends, and they instantly told them what they heard. Once she came home, his parents confronted her, and she chose to be honest and that they needed to deal with it. Instead, they kicked her out."

Simon was seething by the end of the story. "How is it possible that people could be so against love?"

"People are idiots," Dante scoffed. "Anyways, when we started getting a little cozier, his parents assumed he was dating someone. To hide himself, he said he was trying to go out with Jessica since she was the only girl who was actively interested in him. He planned to ask her to be his beard for a little while, but Regina told me it was Jessica who pointed out Kennedy and Rhonda.

"Oh, boy."

"Yeah. He was pissed at her, but he knew it wasn't her fault. She didn't know, but he was too scared to tell her the truth in case she accidentally outed him, too. He still hasn't, but he plans to break up with her before graduation."

"I can't believe he's been with her for three years, and she has no idea."

"He's very convincing. He got to know her better and does care about her and forgave her. I mean, it was an honest mistake. She didn't know she wasn't out. He considers her a friend, but that friendship will obviously end once he comes out. She'll be too pissed to even look at him."

"I understand. She'll feel used and cheated."

"I just hope he never tells her about us. It feels like that would be extra cruel."

"Does she know Kennedy is his sister?"

"He's not allowed to talk about her. And when Trevor entered high school, no one saw any correlation between them." Dante sighed. "I hate to say it, but it's smarter to be with someone who doesn't know the truth. Otherwise, it's like asking them to put their life on hold for him, and he didn't want to do that. At least this way, she thinks her feelings are being reciprocated."

"As smart as it is, it's still cruel."

"I know. I sometimes feel like shit because of what we're doing to her."

"Good. You should," Simon stated, and Dante stared dejectedly at the counter top. "But I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. For all we know, if Trevor didn't use her, she may have gone off and done some bad things. He could have been protecting her this way, and once she goes to college, she'll blossom into the person she's meant to be. But do not think of it as doing her a favor, either. You're still using this girl for your own advantage, and it's rude."

"I know," Dante whispered.

"Know that I don't blame him for being scared," Simon said as he lowered his head to stare up at his son and smile at him. "He's got a lot to lose and be afraid of. He did what he had to, and this is where it's led him. I know that he loves you and will cherish you, and he's not cheating on his partner because he can. I still believe deep down he's a good man. We all do bad things at times. This is just going to be one of many."

"Thanks, dad."

Simon stood upright and walked over to his son, pulling him into a hug and kissing the top of his head. "I love you so much. I promise to take this secret to my grave, or at least the moment he comes out. Whichever comes first."

"Hopefully the latter," Dante said, and Simon laughed as he exited the kitchen.

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