I Saw It In The Mirror

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The only place to find men's clothes without it feeling suspicious was the local thrift store. Ryan's biggest fear was that if he tried on clothes at an actual retail shop and bought them there, people would grow suspicious and realize he's a guy. With him unable to come out to anyone but Jessica just yet, the only safe place to buy clothes was the thrift store.

With so many hidden gems, it made sense for him to skim through every single aisle and look for new clothes. He'd found shirts with old movie posters and bands on them, as well as sweatpants and jeans that fit comfortably and helped him look androgynous. Due to his lack of an Adam's apple, as well as sharp jawline, his face was feminine. It didn't help that he had long eyelashes and soft eyes. If anyone looked at him, they'd instantly assume he was tomboy. He may not have had the complete masculine look he was going for, but at least he didn't look feminine.

As he scanned the racks, Ryan glanced up when he heard the bell ring. Spotting Carter by the door, he quickly hid behind a rack and peeked out to stare at her. He saw Carter sitting in the hallway with Xander the prior day, and he originally assumed they were ending whatever they had. But with them talking in the halls later that same day, he wondered if there was something new going on between the two. After all, it wasn't like Xander to want to be with someone for longer than two weeks.

Ryan watched Carter instantly walk to the very back where cardboard boxes of old records resided. It took a few minutes to sort through them all, but after she came up empty handed, she walked over to the shoes. There were a pair of shiny silver boots that were taller than her knees. Ryan watched her try them on and walk around, smiling as she did so.

When Carter looked up, she was startled to find Ryan staring at her. Realizing he'd been caught, he smiled stiffly and waved before turning back to the rack he was skimming.

"Hey," Carter said, popping up next to him. Ryan jumped as he turned around to face her, placing his hand over his chest. "My bad."

"It's fine," he assured. "What- What are you doing here?"

"Looking around," she replied. "I always buy clothes here."

"And shoes?"

Staring down at the boots she still had on, Carter nodded. "I need them for a costume."

"Costume?" Ryan snickered. "What are you? A cosplayer?"

"And if I was?" Carter asked, her voice deadly serious.

Ryan cleared his throat. "It's none of my business."

"Damn right it's not," she muttered under her breath. "What about you? Looking for something cheap?"

"Is that supposed to be a burn?"

"It's a thrift store," she deadpanned. "Everything here is cheap."

Ryan glanced away in embarrassment. He'd always known Carter as bit of a bitch, but it seemed worse now considering she might have been the first girl to date Xander Quinn longer than two weeks. He needed more time with Xander before he was alone forever, and if Carter was the one standing in his way, then he hated her.

"No. I just like to buy my clothes here. I like having a more androgynous look."

"Well, you can always find good clothes here."

Carter pulled a printed button up shirt from the rack with a blue leopard print and held it up to Ryan's chest. He held his hands up in surrender as Carter bit her lip, staring at him expectantly. She pulled another shirt off the rack with a red floral pattern and nodded. She laid them in Ryan's hands and continued to scan the racks, picking off pieces of clothes to lay in Ryan's arms.

"I'm not saying this to be a jerk, but you only look good when you're in your cheer uniform."

Ryan's heart sank. He mistook Carter's words as you only look good when you look like a girl. Those were the sorts of words he hated to hear the most.

"Wearing sweat pants all the time is not a good look on anyone. You look lazy. If you want to look androgynous, there are ways to do it without looking like a slob." Carter took the clothes from Ryan's hands and hung them up in a dressing room in a specific order. "Try these on, and I'll let you know if they work or not."

"No offense," Ryan stated, and Carter rolled her eyes, "but why are you helping me?"

"You're friends with Xander, right?"

He nodded.

"Then that means you're cool, and I have no problem helping you get a little more stylish. It's my job."

"You're the one who needs a makeover the most."

"Fashion isn't about wearing what's popular," she groaned. "It's about wearing what makes you feel the most confident and the most like yourself. If you actually are a slob, then keep wearing sweats. But I know you're not based on your cheerleading alone. So, how about you quit acting like one and put on some actual clothes," she commanded as she slid the curtain shut.

Ryan never expected Carter to help him in such a trivial manner, but since the clothes she picked out were appealing, he decided to give it a try. And since Carter was listening and brought Xander up, he figured it would be a great time to get the information he needed.

"So...what is going on between you and Xander?"

"In what way?"

"Romantically, of course. I've never seen him date someone longer than two weeks."

"Neither have I," she shrugged. "I doubt it will happen any time soon."

"But he's literally dating you."

"No, he's not. We have the same relationship you two do."

Freezing in the midst of pulling on jeans, Ryan almost exclaimed if she was sleeping with him, too. Before he did, he bit his tongue. He didn't have all the facts yet. "Oh, and what way would that be?"

"Friends. Unless...there's something else between you two?"

Ryan nervously laughed. "Not currently." It wasn't a complete lie.

"Okay," she chuckled. "Are you dressed yet?"

Ryan stepped out in black skinny jeans and a thinly spaced, black and white striped tank top. Carter scanned him from head to toe and nodded. "It's alright. Just..." She walked up to a rack and pulled off a light blue jean vest and tossed it to him. He easily caught it and slid it on. She then grabbed a wide brimmed hat and popped it on his head and had him turn to face the mirror. Ryan smiled as he took in his appearance, feeling sexier than he had in a long time.

"I look good."

"Of course you do. I dressed you up."

Ryan laughed. "Any more ideas?"

Carter dressed Ryan up for another hour before Carter had to leave. Ryan had a handful of clothes and laid them on the counter. Carter stood behind him with her silver boots. As Ryan paid for his clothes, he grabbed the boots from her hands and paid for them as well.

"You didn't have to do that," Carter insisted as they exited the store. "I can pay you back in cash."

"It's my personal thank you for helping me find new clothes. I never know how to shop for myself, hence the constant sweatpants."

"It's not an everyday look," she tsked.

"I know that now," he said, rolling his eyes. "I feel like I actually know what to do when I shop, so those shoes are my way of saying thank you."

"You're welcome. Oh, and if you ever need someone to dress you up again, let me know. I love it," Carter smirked as she walked backwards towards her car.

"Will do," Ryan nodded, feeling the most confident he'd felt in a long time.

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