Lovers (Live A Little Longer)

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It was near impossible for Trevor to get any sleep that night. He woke up at eight in the morning and quickly got dressed. He bought breakfast on his way to Dante's and unlocked the door with the key in the plant. He walked in, placed breakfast on the counter, and walked right into Dante's bedroom.

During the rare moments when Dante was asleep with Trevor around, Trevor took every opportunity to gaze at his boyfriend. He would stare at his face and comb his fingers through Dante's hair. He'd run his hands down his cheek before sliding down his arm to his hand. He'd lay on the bed and face Dante, waiting for him to wake up when he felt the bed dip.

Trevor knew that Dante was awake whenever he saw him smirk with his eyes shut. But since Dante liked the attention, he'd remain quiet and let Trevor play with his hair and run his hands along his arms and torso.

"You know it's creepy when you do that, right?"

"I know," Trevor snorted. "But I think you're really handsome when you're asleep."

"And I think you're full of it." He yawned before opening his eyes. "Why are you here at...eight in the morning, you dickhead?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"Yeah, well I was sleeping peacefully before you showed up." He rolled over to face the wall, and Trevor instantly spooned him. Dante placed his hand over Trevor's and interlocked their fingers. "You never texted me last night."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I was texting Kennedy."

"I was worried, you know. I know how her birthday is for you."

"Just six more months."

"Six more months." He kissed Trevor's hand. "What happened?"

"We ate her least favorite meal, then my parents refused to acknowledge her existence to Jessica, and then I cried in my driveway as I told her about why she should never bring her up in front of mom and dad."

Dante winced and turned to lay on his back. "Yikes. What did they say when you came back in?"

"They tried to talk to me, but I ran upstairs and claimed I had a boner."

Dante snorted and covered his mouth.

"Fuck off, alright? It was the only thing I could say that would warrant me ignoring them and have them leave me alone."

"True," Dante shrugged.

Crawling over Dante, Trevor laid on top of him and placed his hands by Dante's head. "How was your night?"

"Carter came over to deliver fabric, and she stayed over to eat dinner and watch some movies."

"Did your parents mind?"

"Babe, when are they ever home?" he sighed.

"Where are they now?"

"New York for the next week. They'll be home for the weekend, so at least I'll get in a dinner or something. But then they leave for London."

"Do you think once you graduate you'll travel with them?"

"Probably for some fun, family vacation spots to hit with your kids," he sarcastically replied. "But at least thanks to their blog, I can actually afford to go to college. Carter may not get to go."

"You're kidding. What happened?" Trevor gasped.

"Still short a couple thousand dollars. But so long as this fashion show goes well, she can get her scholarship money and go. We need to wow the donors. We're the forth group who will be presenting to them out of ten. We might be one of the forgotten ones."

"I doubt it. You two are always inclusive in your fashion lines. That's going to stand out to them."

"You're forgetting that we're in an age of inclusivity. Everyone is trying to be more inclusive with their clothing line."

"In what way?"

"Body shape. We already have a bunch of models who will be showing off our clothes from petite to 3XL."

"Well, what about making it really inclusive by adding in a Billy Porter, Sam Smith sort of line."

"You mean gender bend the clothes?"

"Have the men wear more feminine like clothes, the women more masculine, but also add in some traditional masculine and feminine wear for the boys and girls respectively. Show you know how to make bold choices and want to be inclusive. You and Carter are huge advocates for both the LGBT community as well as body positivity. Make that the brand of your show. Prove that the donors are investing money smartly."

"I'll bring it up to Carter. See what she thinks." Dante sat up, and Trevor crawled off him. "I asked her to join our business one day."


"She kept going on about how she knew she wasn't going to be the next Alexander McQueen, and that the best she'd get is having her own line at Macy's. She's more talented than I am."

"I doubt it," Trevor smirked. "You are the most talented designer I've seen yet. Our fashion business will be popular due to my advertising of your clothes."

"And Carter's."

"If she wants to join the team, I have no problem. Just make sure she doesn't know about me until after we graduate."

"I haven't told anyone about us. Not even Carter."

"Does she suspect anything?"

"Doubt it. She's always talking about how she catches me staring at you, and how I have unrequited love." The color drained from Trevor's face, and Dante reached out to cup his cheeks. "You don't have to worry about her. Everyone in school knows I'm gay and unashamed of it. If anyone is suspecting anything, they think I have a crush on you. No one knows about you, because you do an amazing job at playing straight with Jessica."

Trevor sighed. "You do know it's not real, right?"

"I know," Dante smirked. "I know a lot of things aren't as they seem."

Trevor laughed. "Jessica does mean something to me. She's still my friend, and if it wasn't for my dad, we would have been great as just that."

"I know. You've cared about her since you two were in middle school. Everyone knew you two were going to get together, but then we met, and I made your little gay heart pound."

Trevor placed Dante's hand over his heart. "Only for you."

Dante playfully gagged, and Trevor pushed him onto the bed, tickling him. "What was that?"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry!" he laughed. Once Trevor stopped, Dante wrapped his arms around his neck and pecked his lips. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

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