↳ knock knock #2

Start from the beginning

"Hey. Where have you been?" Shireen (as per a previous introductions) found them after a few minutes, most of the boxes already inside. "I thought..." A grunt of effort caught her attention. "Ophelia, it's so good to see you again." Their third friend showed up with a clear plastic container filled with miscellaneous stuff. "Ah, you're the Doctor."

"Yes. Hi." This plan of snooping while carrying someone's belongings was very tiring. "Can I get past?"

"Yes, he's just helping with the move." For once he got ignored.

"Helping?" The pretty Indian girl questioned, finding it strange to see a teacher at home.

"He's just my..." Bill trailed off, uncertain of what to say.

"Friend." Ophelia looked at him while saying that.

"Grandad." Bill's voice answered at the same moment.

"Wait, I don't look old enough to..." Such a comment about his age made him forget he wasn't a youthful bow-tie wearing guy anymore.

"To hold that box for very long." She took it of his hands and put it down on a table.


Thankfully no one had to break that awkward silence because an Asian girl bounded downstairs, Felicity as Ophelia recalled, raving about their new place.

"How exciting is this?" She was all smiles.

"Oh, wow." Harry halted by the stairwell's end. "Doctor. Legend."

He held up his hand for a high-five but just got an exasperated look.

"He's my grandad." Bill offered even though no one asked.

"Aw, come on." He rebuked. "Father at least, please."

"All right, grand-father." They stared at each other from opposite ends of the hallway. "You really can go now, though. Thanks for the help." She walked up to him, before shaking both thumbs up. "Job done."

"Okay." The time lord began to walk out, going through all of them. "Bye."

"Bye." Bill looked at her friend who began to follow him out. "Lia, you could stay over, if that's not a problem for you guys."

Both guys nodded enthusiastically, she was a pretty girl after all, while the other girls just smiled. If anything, they'd make a new friend and get some extra help to tidy up around.

"Sure, I'll just go get my stuff."

Each step one took inside that place came accompanied by wood creaking plus a very uncomfortable feeling of being watched. Only when back inside her favorite spaceship, with the Doctor close by, Ophelia was able to breathe properly again.

"There is something very wrong happening in that place." Her voice broke through whatever he had been doing.

"Indeed." A few switches got flicked, probably a full scan was going on as they spoke. "You're staying overnight?"

"Of course, who else would leave a door unlocked for you?" She smiled, trying to say I am totally over whatever happened this morning but it failed because the Doctor took a deep breath.

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