Chapter 23: A letter from A mother

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I woke up to the sound of shuffling in my room. As I opened my eyes lightly to reduce the effects,I noticed a maid packing my things into a trunk.

"What are you doing ?"

"Good morning my lady, lord Ambrose demanded I helped you with your luggage for the trip."

Oh right! France.
I zoned out before I realized she had not stopped talking.
"Pardon ?"

" I said I have drawn a bath for you, my colleague is preparing your food ma'am. Would you like me to help you with your bath my lady?"

" there is no need, thank you. ermm what is your name?"

"Patricia, my lady."

" aye thank you Patricia. I would like to be alone once you are finished with the luggage"

"Yes ma'am"

As soon as she was done packing, I stood up to lock the door behind her. I needed to be more careful,anyone could walk in.i took off my clothes and went in for my bath. Thankfully, the water was still hot so I stayed in there and let it ease the tension from my body. Few minutes later, I got out, dressed my arm and put on my clothes. It was still dark outside so I waited in the room.

Knock! Knock!

"Who is it?"

"Open the door Jessica"

"What if I don't feel like it?"

" do not test my patience, we ought to be on our way by now and if you do not want me to cancel certain nature emergency breaks, I would advice you open the darn door"

'Cunning little bastard' I muttered under my breath as I walked to open the door.

"Believe me when I say I am anything but little"he said smirking

"Right! Whatever makes you sleep at night"

I looked back to make sure I had not left anything behind.

"May we?" He asked

" of course " I confirmed as I followed behind him
We walked down the hallway, down the stares and towards the dining area.

" go to the dinner, I had someone keep your food and drugs. Make sure to take them all"

I could not deny how much the drugs aid the healing process. It makes the pain almost unnoticeable even, opioids, God bless whoever created them.
"Where are you going?"

"To make sure everything is in order before we leave, I won't be long"
I was done eating when hale came along.

"Let us go"

"Sir- sir, " a middle aged gentleman said running towards us,  and stopped when he noticed me.

" sorry my lady, greetings" he said bowing his head.

"Yes, what is it " hale asked

"This letter was brought from the mansion sir, it is from Ireland"
I turned my head towards him in shock, could it be Sonya's letter? I tried my best to hide my emotions and look calm but that was the opposite of what I was feeling inside.

"Ireland you say?"

"Yes sir" he said handing over the letter to hale. Hale looked at me and in that moment, my heart dropped.

"We should start going"I said, doing my best to distract him from opening the letter. I need to get a hold of it. If it was really from Sonya, hale could never read it.

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