Chapter 22: Unspoken Words

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Ouuiiii this chapter is dedicated to my best friend, @semi831 happy birthday baby girl, you are the greatest friend anyone could ever ask for and i love u so freaking much ❤️😫💖💖💖

"Mind you!, What do you mean 'we'!?" I asked in absolute shock

"I believe your ears are working just fine miss"

"You are joking right?"

"I am very much serious, Jessica"

"You! You! Arrghhh you really think you could just drag me off whenever you want and wherever you want like some rag doll. You think I will just follow you wherever you go like a lost puppy..well you are wrong! You are very very wrong Mister! I am going no where with you!!"

"You have no choice Xavier,you either go willingly or I am not afraid to hang you around my neck and carry you along, your choice" He said, shrugging his shoulders.

The nerve of him! My choice? My choice?!

"You can't just do this!. You are right.! It is indeed my choice and I choose to go no where whatsoever with a delusional, mentally derailed psychopath like yourself.!"

He stood up and for a slight second, I thought finally, my life was going to end in the arms of this man, he was finally going to murder me and dump my body where no one will find it. I mean, I did just call him a psychopath to his face.
What i did not expect was for him to lean towards me.

"Believe me when I say this Xavier, It will not end well for you if tomorrow, you dare to waste my time." He said, and with that,he stood up to leave.


I was too tired to argue. There was just one thing I really needed to talk to him about and hopefully, I will get some information from him. I just needed to look for the right chance and hope it doesn't start with a fight.

I remained glued to my seat,even after hale left. A lot of different scenario's playing through my mind. I looked at the wall clock shocked by what i saw.I did not realise time had gone so fast. It was already 10pm. Finally, i grabbed the papers and stood up to take my leave.
Surprisingly, I did not get lost this time. I was honestly grateful for that but all the while I walked towards my room, I could not shake off the feeling that someone was watching me. I opened the doors and turned around one last time but once again, the vague picture of an empty, lantern lit hallway stared back at me.
Sigh! Now i am running crazy.
I closed the doors and changed into my chemise, hoping i will be able to get some sleep. But alas, Hours of laying in bed, eyes wide awake and over thinking told me there was no sleep for a curious soul.
I got up, put on my robe and headed out the door. This is probably the most absurd thing i have done since i married hale, someone is probably trying to kill me and I was here with zero idea where i am going or what i was looking for but i kept on walking, its not like i had anything much better to do.

I wondered off into the dimly lit hallway it was empty, no surprise there. Anyone in their right senses would be asleep.

"You do not seem to get enough of me, Xavier "

"Do not flatter yourself, i am not here for you" i lied okay, i admit. Seventy percent of me was hoping to see him around but not for the reason u think. it was only because i need to find out what was really going on. A whole lot has happened and we needed to talk.

"Ahhh, You don't say. Sooo, to what do i owe the pleasure?" He said smugly

"You are really egocentric"

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