chapter 16 :missed messages

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New cover above😁😁. Thank you so much @haastrupens. For the beautiful cover❤️ .tell me what y'all think,ok?..............don't forget to vote, drop your comments and share Caged with friends and loved ones.

Walking through the oak doors of the mansion, I spotted sir stone face standing by a black coach.

"I was hoping you would prove me wrong and be on time"
He said giving me a stern look

"And why would I want to do that my dear?" I snickered.

Just to be clear because he invited me on this trip doesn't mean I forgive him. I'm a 100% sure the only reason he actually did invite me or rather request my presence was fear of what I would do if I was alone. Now thinking of all I could have done, he most probably made the right decision.

" Get into the coach,as it is we are late already. The journey is a long one."

If only you could imagine the shock I was in when he held out his hand to help me get into the coach. I gave him a questioning look and ignored his hand. Call me childish, I wouldn't care. I could get myself in a coach well enough.

We had been on the road for about six hours and we had already eaten up the food Samantha packed for us. I was getting quite restless and the silence was not helping. Aren't we supposed to arrive our destination by now? Or at least stop at a motel, I need to take a piss. which leads to the giant question, where are we!.

He did not exactly state where we were going. How could I have failed to ask. I stared at him, trying to figure out what he would look like if we was about to kill me. It would never show on his face! Damn man

Ohh goodness heavens how did I not think of this. What if he was leading me far away from the mansion just to murder me. He got me good.

"If you are going to stare at me like I had three heads through out the entire journey, at least make it discrete"


" shhhh
He placed his finger on my lips and pointed in the direction of the coach driver.

"So this is really why you brought me here, to murder me,in the middle of no where! So no one will find my body!"I said in a hushed voice

"Oh don't be so dense Xavier, if I wanted to kill you without a trace, you would be dead by now and I wouldn't have to go through all this stress now would I ?" I just stared blankly at him, not knowing if to believe him or not
"Now keep shut, something is wrong."
He whispered

"Why what do you mean something is wrong, what is"

"The chauffeur has drastically reduced his pace. If you weren't so unobservant, I think you would have noticed by now."

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