chapter 10: surviving in enermy territory

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A/N hey guys I'm not sure if I should leave songs in every chapter of this book. I legit just became a mad fan of Aurora and I wanted to share the songs I think are gold.lets just see how it goes.

Lord Hale Ambrose a.k.a mr stone face a.k.a husband dearest  sat rather comfortably at the side of my bed with a menacing gaze on his face.Great!

"Pleasant day we are having here isn't it"

I had one thought in mind as the words left my lips. play innocent!

"Of course it is.the air outside is rather splendid I think I may go for a ride..what do you think miss?"

I lightly shrugged my shoulders

"I don't know"

"Of course you don't"


"I had a rather eventful day today.Quite different from others I must say. I was invited as a special guest to this new ranch race I sponsored and during the race I notice this exceptional young gentleman"


"Let me finish"

He commanded.
At this point I already knew I was a goner.he knows, he recognised me styx. i  just have to wait for him to finish whatever he has left to say. At least if he kills me lady Samantha will hopefully find my dead body, burn me and sprinkle my ashes to the sea.

"Yes as I was saying,I see this young lad wearing my hat and that's not the fun part yet. surprisingly, he looked exactly like you. What are the odds aye
Now I thought to myself 'noo it couldn't be my wife,the same woman I vividly commanded not to leave her room,she couldn't completely disregard my orders and stoop so low as to dress like a male, not stop at that, enrol in a race and almost win nay she couldn't do that  Or could she.
And then I rush back home to find her room looking like a.. hurricane
Hillarious right"

"Wait it's not-
Ok I've got nothing"

"Did you really think I wouldn't recognize you or notice my hat on your head."

"I did not think you would be there"

"honestly, I thought you had some level of brains in you, the dumb things you females do."

"Now listen here pipsq-"

"No you listen would have been caught,the whole city would have recognised you instantly as my newlywed you know what that would have done to me? Do you?"

Ok I admit.i had Been a little reckless in my little escalade but no one recognised sure of that. Plus I really needed this...the few minutes escape was something I would give anything for.



Ok he was really getting on my nerves

"Would you just hear me out you windlepipe"



If he does not want to listen to what I have to say, I am not going to bother.

"Now. I have made some adjustments to your errrr living arrangements since I don't trust you enough not to disobey me again. It seems that is all you do."

"What do you mean"

"Beginning from today, I am to lock you up in your room.i would  assign Samantha to bring you food regularly. I-"

I am not going to take this piece of bull cock

"-you can't do this, you can't lock me up like this, Ambrose. I would rather die or better still leave"

"I can and I will,don't you remember,we made a deal so you cannot leave and its sir Ambrose to you."

"I helped you in your time of need,saved you from embracement, sir rotten Ambrose "

i made sure to pronounce his first name with more stress than needed but quickly regretted my actions the moment he moved swiftly and graciously in a single long stride to stand in front of me,suddenly I couldn't breathe it were as if my lungs had gone on a vacation.I instantly realized how short I stood in front of him

" you will not speak to me in such a manner, miss Xavier you do not want to see me angry "

oh so he isn't angry spiffin! I told myself

"you will stay here,locked up until I tell you otherwise do we have an understanding "

with the death glare he gave me any living being in general would have yielded to his every command but not me. although it seemed tempting but my better half thought otherwise I will not be treated this way I am a feminist and I will make his life a living took alot of self restraining not to grab my parasol and smack him in the head with it...I have better plans.i took a step backwards, put on my award winning smile and tried not to choke on my own words.

"yes husband"

I matched his gaze with my most. Terrorising glare.lets just say if perchance looks could kill, he would  have been lurking at the gates of hell by now because I'm pretty sure heaven won't be his final destination.

You are sooo going to regret this you stale pile of bulldunk.

"Very well"

He took a step backwards, ignoring my glare.

"We are going to be attending a ball later tonight. I'll have a maid bring you-"

"Nay I don't think would go.and then I would just stick around here waiting for grim to have mercy and take me from this misery called life"

"Well that can be arranged"

"I don't do balls"

"Well then, you have to start today"

"You don't own me you fiddlestick and you can't make me do anything I don't want to"

"Actually I do own you.And i can .it is all in the documents you signed"

He  walked to the door of my room

"I'll advise you get ready before 10pm a maid will be here to assist you"

And with that he pulled the knob and left.that pricklespinless dunk of a man.arrrrrrrg.

I sat on the side of my bed,heads in my arms.what the hell have I gotten myself into.

Hey guys.....hope you enjoyed this chapter.pls remember to vote, feel free to drop comments.remember, positive vibes only😘
Listen to 54321 by's old but gold.and it has a perfect fitting with the last part of this chapter.i listened to the song while completing the chapter and it was beautiful.

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