chapter 4:wedding bells shattered

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This chapter is dedicated to @elkasi_ann thanks so much for the lovely very sorry for my late updates.. been trying to prepare for some exams.i have coming up.i hope this chapter is a little compensation 😁😁.

I am getting married?
I am getting married!!
I am getting tied to a man!!
Who's nuts
Dear lord please help me, I walked side by side with my so called husband to be which may i remind you I still do not know the name of. we walked silently one step at a time down the isle, towards the priest and a very big part of my head begged me to run as fast as I leave it all and run but I stood my ground I have to stay strong..I am doing this for Sonya.

The minute I agreed to his crazy plan and signed some documents stating I was going to be married to him for four months during which no relationship whatsoever will take place between us which I was perfectly fine with of course and after which an annulment will take place and I will be paid handsomely.. whatever my price may be.
I was then rushed off by some maidens to make me look more like a human being as they called it..I argued over practically everything but later gave in because of how exhausted I was,I just wanted this day to be over.
There were so many people here I did not expect such crowd a sudden wave of fear came over me...I have no idea who I am getting married to what if my father was present..oh dearest heaven I can't believe I did not think of that even the bloody queen of England is here.

'you look like you are about to have your head cut off'

He said through closed teeth

'excuse me??'


he said briefly in a cold tone and for the first time I did as I was told or at least tried.

The wedding ceremony ended shortly after we took our vows...we the couple were excused to take our leave and commerce our honeymoon which meant I didn't get the chance to eat anything from the sumptuous looking buffet table..real sad I could have sworn I saw solid chocolates there.For the first time in my life the universe was on my side and neither my father nor any other relatives of mine was present at the wedding. I chuckled at the irony of it all.

We got into a large golden coach that had flowers all around was pretty. The whole ride to wherever sir stone face here was taking me was filled with silence more,cold, silence....well two can play at that game.if only I wasn't so curious...keep it in xave you don't have to ask he's probably taking you to his house...well curiosity spanked the cat innit

"Where are we going"

i questioned trying to look as intimidating as I could..the only thing that greeted me with answer was silence,cold,harsh silence he didn't even spare me a glance as he stared off into space..he looked deep in thought and at the same time had this blank expression on his face..not long after, the coach came to a halt. The chauffeur came down to help me out of the carriage but I beat him to it.

"It's ok Monsieur"

I said in a calm tone. Holy hitler! The place was outstandingly beautiful.i turned around and was taken back by the view.A huge mansion stood tall at the middle of a very very big land.i could spot three waterfountains all surrounded by beautiful flowers of different species there was a huge cottage a few feets from the main mansion and a huge stable at the reminded me of home.
My dearest husband had already started walking towards what I presumed to be the main entrance of the mansion without sparing me a single glance or a word..I followed suit behind him.two hefty bearded men opened the doors of the mansion as maids came rushing out probably to help with the luggage I didn't have because a certain someone said I didn't need to take anything with me.

"Would you excort me to my study I want to have a word with you"

he said in a rather commanding tone.
I followed him as he led the way to his study.i couldn't help but admire the interior decoration of his was a nice piece of art. the entire place screamed life, it had a lively aura. Which was really different from its owner.we arrived at a large oak door at the East wing of the mansion.he stepped in and beckoned for me To do the same and I did. He shot the door behind me and beckoned for me to take a seat at the other side of the table.

"Mind you not I'll rather stand"
I told him in a stern voice.
"Very well"
he said as he walked over to sit himself down.. gentleman my derriere.hump!
"No one knows you are..,you know you and I would like to keep it that way"
He said
"What do you mean, why not?"

"Word spreads fast milady I will not allow anyone to tarnish my image.if word goes out that I was not supposed to marry you and my original bride left me at the alter.that could be bad for me,for my reputation and my business"
He said looking at me straight in the eye with no emotions

"I still have no idea why I Had to be involved"

"Luckily for me,you came riding along and you look just like her as strange as it may be.we fooled everyone at the wedding and we will keep it that way .now in order for no one to find out you are will stay in your room which I have provided for you and will not come out until I say so...this will last for the period of time you are married to me.Do I make myself clear Miss?.'

At this point I had no idea what he was speaking of..the hunger was consuming me besides I hadn't eaten anything all day and I had been under the much rather warm embrace of the sun so I'm allowed to be starving.
'Miss ?'

"Yes sir Ambrose"

"Are you even paying attention"

He asked impatiently

"Of course I am" I said with a rather uncertain smile.

He rolled his eyes

"You did not hear a word of what I just said did you?"

"Nope" I answered sincerely.
He gave a deep sigh that made me want to I that much frustrating

"What is your name"he asked

"Xavier"I called out sharply

He rang a bell that sat on his table and a few seconds after a maid came in.he told her to show me to my room not sparing me a glance as he started going through some paperwork...
how welcoming I thought.

So..the room I got was much more larger than the one I had been staying.the strong aroma of lavender hit my nostrils and trust me I wasn't complaining. practically everything was blue right from the bed covers till the walls of the room.A large painting on the wall right beside the dresser caught my eyes was a painting of me..or rather his run away bride.i could tell straight from the look in her eyes she was no good.i guess I would have to do something to that by the way don't want his runaway bride to be starring dangers at me for marrying her husband even if she looks like me'

"Miss.. could I get you anything?"

I totally forgot the presence of the maid all through my not so discret examination of the place.

"No you may okay"

She nodded to my reply and left me alone..I layed back down on the bed as if on cue.the rumbling of my stomach reminded me I hadn't eaten anything all day. Curse sir stone face for taking me away from my true love,the buffet table....

Before I could stop myself,I was out of the room and headed for the nearest kitchen.i always had a feeling I was going to die before turning 60 but I'll be damned if hunger was what killed me...nope not a chance.

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