Chapter 25: Naughty thoughts

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"You know, this is the first time you have ever complimented me on anything "
I said trying to lighten the mood and it did work because for a split second, a smile graced his face and if I wasn't looking close enough, I would have missed it.

"It was a once in a while thing, do not get used to it. You still have to check if it is for me, let me know in the morning . Get some sleep " he said and with that he walked out of the bedroom.

Now although most times we fail to admit it but the thing about mistakes remains that sometimes, when you make them, you do it in oblivion, unaware of the bad decision or judgment you are about to take while other times, you do it knowing deep deep down in your heart or head that 'this is a big mistake I'm about to make right here but I am going to do it anyways hoping and praying for a better outcome ' and the latter was me. I knew this was wrong, I knew this could end badly, I knew this was going to be a big mistake but I still made it anyways. I was going to let him decide his own faith without knowing. Knowing fully well what he would choose.

" yes?" He said walking back into the bedroom

"Can I ask you something?"

"If I say no you will still speak won't you?"

"Yhep know me well" I said laughing nervously

"So don't waste my time , ask away"   He stated impatiently

"Ok how do I put this........well If you care about someone and you know something is going to  hurt the person would you let it ? " I asked proud I had made the question vague enough to avoid him connecting it to him and me.

"Are you for real? Xavier you held me back for that ?!" He asked glaring daggers my way

"I know it may seem stupid to you but just answer , means a lot"  I added hoping it would make him tell me his mind.

" of course not! I would never let anyone or anything hurt the people I care about. "He answered tiredly

"Are you satisfied?"

"Yes I am,,,,,,thank you"
i added and with that i let him go and finally made my decision , I was going to hold on to the letter just a little longer  and I would give it to him once he stopped hurting.was that wrong?, yes ! was that a bad idea?, most probably, is it going to bite me in the derrière someday, I hope not but the deed has already been done. I hid the letter in a section of my trunk and decided that if he was not going to read it, neither was I.Curiosity could try to murder me all it wanted but that was what was going to happen. It was the least I could do.Sigh, what a long day. I layed back on the bed grateful that not long after,sleep claimed me.

It was 8,0clock or so I was told and I strongly wanted to go back to sleep but I needed to pee so bad.I struggled to keep my eyes open as I tried to navigate the bathroom without tripping over my own feet. I don't remember the cabin being this massive yesterday.aha! Finally!!! I opened the door  and managed to locate the toilet .ahhhhh, what a relief . There's something about finally taking a leak that opens up your eyes, or is it just me. The moment I was finished,my eyes were crystal clear and  it began to won-

"What in the devils name hale!?!!!!!!!!!!"
There he was,standing in all his manly glory, not a piece of clothing in sight,dripping wet from the shower he just recently took,leaving damp marks on the carpet. I took in the size of him let's just say,WOW!

" you did not need to sneak in here to have a look, you could have just asked nicely"

Right!! I was staring but could you blame me?!.I turned around as swiftly as I could but it seemed I was the only one flustered by this encounter

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