chapter 20: What The Hell Just Happened!?!?

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I laughed so hard.

"I can not believe you did that" I managed to get out through my laughter. Micheal had just told me one of his infamous stories on his trip to Africa"

"You see, I am far from being a noble gentleman."

"No arguments there colonel although I doubt any noble man will stand in the face of a lion."

"You are most probably right, jessica. "

"I am always right" I replied smugly

"It was just one time! Now I fear you will use it against me for the rest of my life" I couldn't hold my laughter

"I still cannot believe you thought apples grew on vines"

"I was only 15 then, you can as well take me to the supreme court" he said rolling his eyes at me.
Talking to him had made me forget about all my problems, I hardly even remember why I was so angry earlier. He was like a breath of fresh air after a heavy rain.

"That is what makes it more funny, although,The supreme court does not seem like such a bad idea" I said thoughtfully.


I asked as I noticed he was just staring at me without saying anything.

"You are beyond beautiful mia bella"
he said.

"I told you before,colonel flattering will not get you anywhere"

"It is not flattering if I speak the truth. I fear i must have taken a great liking towards you mia belle"

" I am sorry but nothing can happen between us Micheal. I am a married woman" I still couldn't tell him it was all a fake. Not just because of the documents I signed, but also because I was feeling a little ashamed i had agreed to marry a complete stranger. That is at the top of my list in 'craziest things I have done in my lifetime'

"Really? Because all the times we have met, not once have I seen a ring. And where is you husband?" oh Styx. I forgot about the ring.

"Yes. Although I have just been a little careless with my ring, I assure you that I am indeed married."

"Sounds quite convenient. But it does not really matter to me. I know we have a great connection. We could run away together,I could be the husband of your dreams, I will give you all the freedom you need. plea-"

"That is enough! Not one more word. how could you assume I have such low morals to leave my husband and elope with you? The only connection I have for you is that of friendship and if you continue to speak this way, It will be lost"

I had found such a great friendship in him, it will be a shame if it were lost. I am afraid i may have taken his advances towards me too lightly. I always felt he was only joking around.

The thought of breaking my promise and leaving hale sent shivers to my bones. I could never leave him,at least not until the time limit is completed. He does not deserve that. If I had not married him, however, I wonder if there could've been something between us if the situations were entirely different, would have fallen for Micheal? I guess I would never know. Faith was a funny concept. It just has this way of reminding us nothing is really ours to control. Like we were just some set of pawns in this game of life.

" you are a great man, Micheal. Any lady in her right senses will be glad to have you for a husband. One day, you will find the most beautiful maiden that is right for you, your soul mate. I am just not the one."

"I understand mia bella. I just want you to know that you will always have my heart. Can I just ask you something" he said sadly

"Anything" I said feeling bad I had caused him pain

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