chapter five: The new life

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Hey guys,hope you'all enjoyed the last chapter..I promise to update every Wednesday and not be too lazy as I usually am 😁.feel free to vote ,leave comments (possitive vibes only) and share my book with loved ones.
Btw: does anyone have advice on long distance relationships 😣🤐.

I walked into a wooden themed was the largest kitchen i had seen.

"Hello dear how can I help you"
I turned around to see a pretty middle aged woman staring at me.she had blonde hair which she put in a neat bun and hazel eyes.her appearance gave a hint of her personality.she seemed really nice..kind of reminded me of Sonya.. that's when I realized I had been staring at her without answering her question..

"Ermm I'm a tad bit famished" I said giving my award winning smile.she just gave me an amused smile and signaled for me to take a seat on the table.
"I think you are going to love the meal I just prepared. It's my all time favourite."

She went into a smaller room and came back with a tray which consisted of some sort of pie and a chocolate looking thingy in a mug.A normal human being would have asked what she was being offered but. Me being me,I hungrily wolfed down the whole food that's when I realized likeness was an understatement to what I felt for the food I had fallen deep inlove. I looked up to see her staring at me with a smile on her face

"There's more I could heat up if you would like me to"

She said Which caused heat to rapidly move to my cheeks once again I thanked God for my tanned skin .i told her I was good and she nodded in reply.
I thanked her and stood up to take my leave.

"I know you aren't Jessica"

She said causing me to halt in my steps.huh? What in the!!! what am I going to do?.is she supposed to know?.does she know or she's just bluffing..I tried my best to keep my facial expression composed while the thoughts went through my certainly gonna deny everything.

"I do not know what you speak of lady...??"
I trailed off hoping she's didn't know as much as I fear she did.

"Samantha" she replied
"It's can trust me u don't have to lie to me you know, I know everything that happened earlier today and I must say I'm really impressed".

"Pardon me for my directness but What is it exactly that you think you know lady Samantha?"

"Not much but Enough to know you are not the woman you claim to be"
She continued there was no point in lieing any longer.she knew everything

"He mustn't know you found out"

I pleaded.the last thing I needed was to create a breach to our agreement.

"You don't have to worry Milady, I know a thing or two about keeping secrets".

She said then winked at me.i couldn't explain the warm feeling I felt at the pit of my stomach.we had already gotten on first name basses. i was grateful she didn't ask any more questions I have a question tho..

"I need to ask something did you know I wasn't err Jessica"

"Well sir Ambrose was unusually quiet and distant.he practically scared off anyone that went to see him so I figured something went wrong at the wedding.what was supposed to be his happiest day became his saddest.i always had a bad feeling about Jessica but it was never in my place to speak of it.and then you came along.i sensed a different vibe from you and I offered you pie which I knew Jessica was allergic to the pie I gave you.thats what made me draw the conclusion. Plus Jessica would never finished her food."

She said smiling at me sincerely. This caused me to blush even harder ok I agree I was a little unladylike like eating but who are you to judge me. She was really observant I had to hand it to her.
We talked for hours about anything and everything we talked like we've known each other our whole life as funny as it may sound.i tried my best not to mention anything from my past all through and even if she did notice,she didn't say anything about it.she was indeed a nice woman and smart too..I liked her.

"I think it's like past 12.if you want me alive tomorrow you would let me sleep"

I declared which earned me a laughter from her..I liked making her smile.

"I like you ...I think you would really be good for sir Ambrose he is a good person."

She said with a wide smile.There was just one problem this ain't no fairy tale or romance novel,what we had was strictly business.i needed the money and he needed a wife for rent that was it.theres not gonna be any falling inlove or realising we have been inlove all along.i wanted to say but I refrained from it...she didn't know the entire truth about our deal and i didn't want to kill her joy so I just smiled, wished her a goodnight and left.
The walk back to my room was a little bit longer than necessary. I missed my way three good times I've got to get used to these turns. sigh. I walked past the study I recognized was his..the lights where still on and I heard movements from within. I didn't bother checking if it was him.i knew it was.why was he still awake by this time I wondered. I had no business being down here so I found my way to my room from there thankfully without any more confusion.

I walked towards the bed to see a neatly ironed night dress on it.A maid must have dropped it there while I was away. I took off my clothes and slipped into the night dress that was too revealing for my liking.. ok maybe my Bossom was a little more generous than the average girl.i kept the dirty pile of clothes on the floor besides the bathroom and slipped into bed..this has been a very long day.i went through all the events that led to me being here and was still finding it hard to much had changed in just 24 hours, so much.
I just have to find a way to embrace this new life,my new life For four months nothing could possibly go wrong right?...

Hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter. Tell me what you think about the characters in CAGED.remember to not forget to vote😁😁thanks for your y'all

CagedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora