Chapter 16

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"Where is she?" Zuko demanded of his father.

He received no reply... no glance... no emotion. His father didn't even look at him or speak. Was she dead? But she had been in his room the night before! Was she kidnapped? What was going on?

Zuko spun on his heal and ran out of the courtyard, not caring if he ran into Azula... not caring if someone saw the tears pricking his eyes.

After running blindly for a time, Zuko found himself in the eastern courtyard of the palace. Spying a tree nearby, he climbed up as quickly as he could before sitting back near the top of the tree, out of sight from everyone. He was barely up there for five minutes till he spied the familiar golden hair. Shira rushed into the courtyard and looking around as if she knew he was there. The truth was... she did. She had sensed it when she had heard that he had run off to hide and with her plant bending abilities, was able to decipher roughly where he was.

"Prince! Prince Zuko!" She called. "I know you're here!"
"Go away!" Zuko yelled, not meaning to sound rough but not wanting her to see him weak like that.

Shira's keen blue eyes spied him in the tree and ignoring his past command, began to skillfully climb the tree even faster than Zuko had. When she reached the branch below Zuko, she found him sitting with his knees to his chest, his arms crossed over his knees and his hair a mess from running and climbing.

"Prince Zuko," she whispered.

"I told you to not call me that!" the boy snapped, trying to find a way to vent his misery.

Shira however did not even cringe of flinch, but a soft smile touched her lips. Climbing up to sit next to him, she placed her hand near him, not sure if he wanted physical contact.

"DO you know why people cry?"

"No," Zuko whispered, his voice cracking in pain.

Shira smiled, "it's the way of letting out your emotions: anger, joy or even pain. You're either going to let it out by yelling... or by crying."
"Men don't cry,' Zuko retorted.

Shira chuckled lightly, "You're not a man yet prin.... Zuko. But even grown men cry. Before I came here, I was living with a young family. Their father was big, strong and I never thought I would see him cry or even smile. Then one day, his wife had their first son... and you know what? He cried and laughed at the same time. Crying is not a sign of weakness Zuko."

The boy lifted his head when he felt Shira reaching out and taking his hand into hers, looking at him intently. Zuko felt a sudden weight lifted off him.... Shira was still there for him... even if his mother was gone and no one cared for him... Shira was still there... even though she had lost everything, she was there for him.

The girl smiled at him, "When you cry, it is a sign that you care and love, that you hate and despise... that you feel."
Zuko looked down at their joined hands... her pale little one tightly holding his limp larger tanned one. For a moment he felt ashamed of being weaker than a girl... then he remembered her words. Now, he didn't care. He didn't care if people thought him weak... it felt right... it felt good to be loved and comforted.

"Shira..." the boy whispered. "I'm scared."

The girl nodded, smiling softly at him, "I know."
Finally the boy broke and letting out a sob, he crumbled into her arms. Shira wrapped her arms across his chest, supporting him as sobs and tears overtook him. She stroked his soft black hair and rocked back and forth gently.

Flame of the Heart - Book 1 // ZukoWhere stories live. Discover now