When she finally came upon the ring, there was a crowd of people surrounding it, so she was unable to even see the ring itself. Finally, deciding that she had no other choice, Shira ran over towards the archway where Ozai had entered through, she began to slowly scale the wall, cringing whenever her hands scraped the slippery stone but she didn't give up. Meanwhile, down in the ring....

"Please father, I only had the fire nation's best interest at heart. I'm sorry I spoke out of turn!" Zuko cried, falling onto his hands and knees, pleading with his father.

"You will fight for your honor," Ozai replied with no feeling in his voice.

Zuko felt tears spring to his eyes. Why did he have to be so stupid? "I meant you no disrespect. I am your loyal son!"

Ozai laughed, obviously either not taking what Zuko said seriously or because he didn't feel that Zuko was right in that area, "Rise and fight prince Zuko."

"I won't fight you," Zuko replied, keeping his head down.

Ozai snorted, "And what if I told you that I would kill your pathetic little water bender friend?"
Zuko frowned. He didn't know any water benders.... Wait.... Didn't his father mistake Shira for a water bender!?!?!?!

Zuko's head snapped up at this, his amber eyes wide in shock. How did his father.... But then he saw it... the look in his father's eyes. It was pure hatred.... No sympathy or mercy.

"You think I wouldn't notice my son going missing every evening?" Ozai hissed, "I am going to make sure that girl doesn't get away with it."
"SHIRA DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG!" Zuko cried, forcing the tears off his face with the back of his hand. "She is the best friend I have!"
"And that is a position that someone of her status shouldn't have," Ozai replied simply. "You will learn respect and suffering will be your teacher."

With that, Ozai raised his flaming hand and struck his son on his left eye. Zuko let out a blood curdling scream that stopped Shira who had made it halfway up the arch.

Looking over her shoulder, all she could see was Ozai's back.... But then she saw Zuko crumble to the ground.... clutching his hands to his face. Oh no....

"That was for disrespecting me," Ozai replied simply, "And this.... Is for your little friend."
With that, Ozai lifted his other hand up, letting it burst into flames. Grabbing his son but the wrist, he dragged Zuko to his feet, but the boy was too weak to even stand so he was just hanging from his father's grip. Ozai lifted his hand and prepared to strike the other side of Zuko's face when suddenly, a bright light flashed into his eyes and he brought both hands up to shield his eyes.

The light was blinding but it disappeared in a second.... But then it appeared again but from a different angle. Ozai frowned when he saw that light was reflecting off of metal helmets that were hanging on the walls. Turning around to see where the source of light was, he stared in surprise.

Practically hanging on the stone arch was Shira. She had one hand at the top of the arch, keeping her up while her foot was pressed against the arch, giving her some leverage and helping to not put too much weight on her arm. Her other leg was hanging there and from her hand, was glowing a bright light... the source of the light.

"Whaaaaat?" everyone present cried looking at the girl.

Shira had an infuriated, horrified look on her face but she hid her fear well beneath her scowl. She looked like she had just come out of hell, breathing heavily, her hair all over the place and sweat pouring down her face but despite that, she looked more beautiful than before.

"Do not touch him!" she yelled.

With that, she leapt off the arch and landed lightly on her feet, barely making a noise as she faced Ozai. The man smirked and let go of his grip on Zuko, dropping the boy to the floor. This movement seemed to wake Zuko a bit and he opened his eyes groggily. All he saw was Shira.... And his father.... Wait.... Was Shira there? What was she doing there!?

"And why should I do that?" Ozai replied, "You're nothing."
Shira smirked, "Even if the past is in the past, there are parts of you that will never die. I might not be anything now.... But I was once like you..."

With that, the girl spun around on her feet, dragging her fingers along the dusty ground and as she did, something seemed to emerge from the ground. When she stopped spinning, she rose to her feet, clenching her hands at her side.

Rising on either side of her were two long vines! Massive and thick, they were probably as thick as Shira's body and as long as five of her!

"What is going on!?" Someone cried form the stands.

Shira smirked and lashed out at Ozai with her hands. The vines followed her hands and one of them whipped at the king. Ozai dodged it and tried to burn it. He managed to burn one to a crisp but the other kept coming at him. Finally, he pinned it down and was about to burn it as well when he was blinded again. This time, when the light subsided, he saw where the real source was coming from.... Shira was bending light?

The girl had held out her two hands on either side of her, perpendicular to her body. Light had shone down onto her palms and had reflected off of them like they were made of glass, shining right into Ozai's face!

Shira smirked, "I was once a princess," she replied simply, "And you know what I was known for?"

Without waiting for Ozai to guess, she lashed out her hands again but instead of vines appearing, two long light whips appeared and lashed at Ozai. The man managed to dodge the first but the second one grazed his arm, causing him to cry out for it was ten times hotter than fire!

"For being the last of my kind," the girl whispered.

"A light and plant bender," Ozai whispered before smirking evilly, "Good to know."

With that, he lifted his hands and Shira suddenly felt her arms pinned behind her. Shucks! She was always bad at knowing when someone was behind her or not!

"I will spare Prince Zuko the shame of having another burn on the other side of his face, but he must be banished from the fire nation until the day when he brings the avatar to me alive," Ozai announced.

Shira frowned. The avatar had been missing for a hundred years! How was Zuko going to find him!?

"And you," Ozai said, turning to Shira, "You will receive a just punishment for mixing with people above you and for striking the Fire Lord. Take her away!"
"SHIRA!" Zuko cried but his voice was drowned out in Shira's screams as she fought against the men holding her.

What was going to happen now?

Flame of the Heart - Book 1 // ZukoWhere stories live. Discover now