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Memory (Chapter 8)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Spectacular Characters or Marvel Characters.

Manhattan General Hospital

It's a bright Saturday morning in New York, and the best way to start off the morning was by waking up in a hospital. Of course, waking up at all is a blessing, but there are better places to wake up in than a hospital.

But Liz Allan slept in the waiting room the whole night, shivering throughout the night. The empty room may've been chilly, but she didn't want to leave until she knew Sally was okay. Although a blanket or a thick jacket would've been nice.

At least she didn't wake up in a hospital bed. Now that would be another tragedy.

She made sure that she texted her parents during the night, that she'd wait for Sally till she got out of surgery. Or else they'd worry, put out missing posters for their daughter before midnight struck. HECK, there wouldn't be a doubt in Liz's mind that her parents would've called all the police stations in New York.

In short, they're normal parents.

And sure, it wasn't the best experience to tell them, but she promised to be there for Sally, 'for better or worse.' It sounded as if they're getting married... hilarious.

But they've made that promise for as long as they've known each other, so since pre-school. Both bonded over boys, fashion, and later on, cheerleading. Man, did they love cheerleading! That's what they looked forward to the most before their freshman year. And they loved it. It felt like they were the queens of M3.

But freshman cheerleaders weren't on the same tier as the varsity team yet, but not far off. Gotta say, their freshman class had high self-esteem, especially the cheerleaders.

After freshman year, Liz and Sally craved being on top of the Highschool hierarchy. And one way to be on the top is dating the star varsity quarterback, who at the time was the sophomore jock, Flash Thompson.

Sally knew this was their chance to be the queens of M3, although Flash's attraction to her was lacking. She didn't know why, but people had their preferences.

But the star quarterback liked her best friend, Liz... so Sally urged her to date him. And Liz was hesitant about the whole idea. First, on the surface, he was attractive, with that 6-foot diameter, blonde hair, and toned skin. Although under the surface he wasn't attractive because he's a bully. He had this alpha male aspect to his personality. Some days that could be confident, and macho qualities, other days could be narcissistic qualities... But Liz knew it was inevitable, like it was an arranged marriage, that you never wanted.

So for a couple weeks, she'd dated the quarterback, and gotta say it wasn't bad. Sure, he could be a major douchebag, but for being known as the highschool jock and bully, Flash Thompson wasn't 'the tough guy' as he led on. He showed his soft side to her. He actually let his guard down. And that's what she admired. Which made her actually care for him. It got to a point where she became clingy to him, hanging off his arm for the rest of sophomore year.

Although Sally didn't expect Liz to commit with Flash... But it's a good thing they started dating for their popularity status at Midtown. For as long as Sally knew Liz, she never saw this sparkle in her eye, when she was with any previous guy... till she started dating him.

However, during their junior year, that sparkle would return when she's around Peter Parker. It was the weirdest, most disgusting thing to Sally. Popular girls like her and Liz were not supposed to be in the same proximity with geeky guys like Parker. HECK, even dating was out of the picture. Liz didn't think so, because somehow, the geek made her happy every second they were in proximity to each other. This threw a retch to their friendship, as they slowly distanced themselves from one another.

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