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Chapter 3: Relaxation

Disclaimer: We don't own any of the Spectacular Characters or Marvel Characters, we just do this for fun :)

The next morning at their Motel

Sometimes you must enjoy the simple things after experiencing everything the world offers. That's what happened to the young man, Peter Parker, who laid next to his girlfriend in their bed. That previous night, he's seen the craziest tech in his life. From an invisible helicarrier to portable x-rays, they had it all.

But it's time to focus on the simple things, so he laid on his side and observed Liz. She was still gorgeous, even without the makeup. Her bare face was something to admire. From her soft plump lips to her high cheekbones. Sure, her eye bags were more noticeable, but didn't worsen her beauty.

To Peter, it enhanced it a bit.

Perfection makes someone go crazy, because it's something they constantly chase, but can never grasp.

Flaws make someone tangible.

Make them feel real, and it's better to accept it than avoid it.

That's what Peter learned early in life, from his Aunt May. She never tried to be the perfect mother, but she tried to be the mother, he needed. Made his eyes water, thinking about it.

He blanked out as his fingers sifted through her soft, chestnut colored hair, while trying his best to not wake her.
"I never noticed the blonde strands in your hair," Peter uttered to himself.
"That's a weird way to say good morning," Liz teased as she rubbed her eyes. She turned towards him and pecked him on the lips.

He woke her up... Mission failed.
"Just saying, always thought your hair was dark brown"
"And I've always thought... you're the cutest guy at school," she sneakily complimented.
"Sounds like a stretch. But thanks for feeding my ego, Liz," he smiled as he blushed.

"Anything for you, Mr. Parker," she whispered in his ear as she sat on top of him.

'Mr. Parker... ew! It makes it sound like I'm a dad... or a teacher?'

She leaned in for another smooch, which he couldn't resist even after the earlier remark. It didn't even enter his mind. He pulled her in closer and combed her hair behind her ear. They locked lips, as they were completely in sync. She rose off him and took off her shirt, which a small grin grew on Peter's face.

"Like what you see?" she seductively teased.

He responded with a small nod, with that grin stuck on his face. So she went down and passionately pecked his lips.





"It's probably Harry," she murmured through her breath.

After Peter heard that, he pulled away from her lips, having this confused scowl on his face. "Harry?"
"Oh, yeah... forgot to tell you. He wanted to catch a drink with you last night," she admitted.
"And you said?"

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