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Chapter 9: SPLIT

Disclaimer: We don't own any of the Spectacular Characters or Marvel Characters, we just do this for fun :)

Also, this chapter will be very visceral, and there will be plenty of blood... and sadness


8 years earlier, during Christmas day, two young boys, Peter Parker and Harry Osborn, spent the holiday in Peter's room, playing plenty of video games on the Xbox 360, such as GTA San Andreas, Call of Duty, and Halo, while the adults had their own fun downstairs.

For the young Peter, being the only child in the house, he treasured Harry's company. There's one in a million chance that there was another kid in the Parker house. But he wondered why Harry didn't spend the holidays with his parents. The holiday season was the time to spend with family and friends. But his Aunt told him that Harry's family sent him here because his father, esteemed Norman Osborn, had business to do at Oscorp, overseas, and his wife followed. It also seemed like he didn't have any grandparents to stay with... which was a bummer.

Nevertheless, the two had immense fun, but fun could only last so long, till they dropped to the floor, tired and sweaty.

"Jeez, that was tiring," the young Peter confessed.

Harry didn't respond, being in deep thought.

"I'm sorry to be bothering you during Christmas, Pete," he apologized.

"You're kidding, right? This is my favorite Christmas cause you're here!"

"Really... You mean that?"

"Yeah... you're welcome here anytime, Harry. And I don't think my Uncle and Aunt would have a problem with it. Just tell them before"

"Thanks... I'm glad I'm spending it with you, and your family"

Peter could only smile after he heard that.

"So... you wanna hear another joke?" Harry asked.

"Let's hear it!"

A large grin formed on both children's sweaty faces, laughing at the silly and dumb jokes they spewed. Laughing, chatting, screaming on the floor for an eternity didn't sound so bad in the moment.


Things change, when you get older. Sometimes in small ways, or in very destructive ways. Especially in the city that never sleeps.

From below, Manhattan sounded and looked like a war-zone, with thick orange gas clouded the area, and a bomb going off. Many people rushed out of the smoky area, covering their mouths. Paramedics tried to help and bandage as many people as they could, while the police officers tried moving as many people out of that area.

Subsequently, the tattered web headed hero was limping and bleeding all over the area. Yet with one web fluid refill, it could cover the bleeding. Then he tried helping anyone that passed by him. Finally, he got to the blown up police car and peeked to see the unspeakable. It was like there was nothing left of the two men, only charred bone and ash. He deeply sighed at the sight of it. For Peter, underneath the mask, his breath tremendously shuddered, and his heart... it was like he couldn't feel it. All he heard was this high pitch ringing... and his mind...

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