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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Spectacular Characters or Marvel Characters.

Dark Impulses - The Osborn Manor

Peter's voicemail played, 'Hey it's Peter, I'm probably busy at the moment... but I promise to call you back if I ever get the time... so you know what to do!'

'Hey Pete... Harry again. Can you call me back?... Please! I need to talk to you... thanks,' Harry asked before he ended the call.

He set his phone down on his dresser, right next to a picture of himself and Peter.

And his eyes and attention set on this nostalgic image. He brought the picture down with him, as he sat down, criss-crossed, on the carpet floor. That's how his mother taught him to meditate.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, remembering that moment with his friend.

He remembered his mother taking a picture of them both during their middle school promotion. It was a fun time, or that's how he remembered it. And that moment has stayed in that frame ever since. He remembered the good times after that picture when they'd spend every day of summer vacation together... either talking about all the pretty girls at school, the latest video game, or comic books. Even though Harry wasn't the biggest fan of those comics, he went along with Peter's constant babbling over his favorite comic... or video game. All he wanted was to spend time with his best pal since 2nd grade. Sometimes, Harry would even buy Peter's favorite game and play it at his house, since Peter didn't own a console. Those were spectacular times... when you could just play video games and relax.

Then highschool rolled around... and it didn't treat any of them great, especially Peter. Harry didn't have the greatest time either, but in Junior year, he tried to fit in by joining the varsity football team... but that failed.

Then the brown-wavy haired boy tried finding belonging by getting into a relationship with one of his oldest friends, Gwen Stacy... but that sunk harder than the Titanic. Even when being vulnerable with her, by confessing his love for her, she rejected him.

It was like everything he touched turned into fool's gold. Now, he had his father's legacy and his only friend left, and he didn't want to ruin it. Sure, Peter may have wanted to get with his ex-girlfriend behind his back... but he could do so much worse. Even though it broke his heart to hear both of their plans.

His cheek twitched, similar to the mannerisms of a lion, ready to let out a thunderous roar. All it charged was his anger and frustration up, ready to let loose. But before he could, he took a deep breath and held his hands on top of his hands, trying to calm himself down.

"Harry... honey... are you alright in there?" his mother knocked on his door.

"I'm fine, mom... I- just... stubbed my toe"

"Oh, okay then. Well, lunch is almost ready, and Mr. Bernard prepared your favorite BLT..."

"I'll be out once he's done, thanks Mom"

"Alright then, honey!"

Afterward, Harry stood there, in disarray at what had become of him. He doesn't want to be this monster that is instilled in him. Yet it feels inevitable to give into his self-destructive temptation like Globulin Green. Every time he goes to sleep, flashes of himself under the influence of the Green kept popping in his memories.

And for the longest time, he's tried to put those impulses to sleep... and when he does, he tries to find distractions, like hanging out with Gwen.

So currently, he took a deep breath before he left his room, and tried to relax himself. At least, he wanted is to seem well around his mother. Just put on a smiling face for her.

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