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CHAPTER 1: Comrades

Disclaimer: We don't own any of the Spectacular Spider-Man Characters or Marvel Characters included in this fanfic, we do this for fun :)

Living on the Edge! ~ New York City

"WAHO-O-OOOOO!" Spider-man joyously hollered. He swung so freely through New York, even twirling mid air at one point. It was like he glided through the night sky, as another Sunday in the books; going to morning mass with Aunt May, grocery shopping in the afternoon, then stopping by Liz's house for some 'quiet' time. 'Wink, Wink'

And, of course, being New York's night time crime fighter... No biggie.

Although he wasn't the only man in New York fighting crime in his pajamas, since Daredevil swooped onto New York's radar. But Spidey wasn't complaining. New York is going to need all the help it can get... especially in Hell's Kitchen.

Which's a glorious thing for Peter Parker, since he has a tight 10 pm curfew. He needed to know Aunt May suspected nothing. Luckily, she didn't, because of her new job at F.E.A.S.T.

His Aunt felt like she could make a difference out there, then staying at home and F.E.A.S.T gave her that opportunity. Yet Peter felt uncomfortable with Aunt May working because of her heart condition. He doesn't want her to have such a heavy load, even assuring her, that his photography job at the Daily Bugle was back and he could help them out again, money-wise, insisting that he could handle it. However, that didn't phase her at all. It was for her sake, and she could handle it. Plus, she wanted to get out of the house for a bit.

His Aunt felt like she could make a difference out there, then staying at home and F.E.A.S.T gave her that opportunity. Yet Peter felt uncomfortable with Aunt May working because of her heart condition. He doesn't want her to have such a heavy load. He even assured his job at the Daily Bugle was back and he could help them out again, money-wise, insisting that he could handle it. However, that didn't phase her at all. It was for her sake, and she could handle it. Plus, she wanted to get out of the house for a bit.

But if that was going to happen, Peter made sure her job at F.E.A.S.T. caused her no harm, so he swung by the F.E.A.S.T. building more often. Sometimes right after she left work and other times while patrolling. He swung by that shelter every night and made sure that nothing out of the ordinary. And luckily there wasn't.

Till a bombastic blast rocked the nearby areas and was seen from afar. But the blast didn't sound like any ordinary gunfire or bombs. Especially with that unique, rippling rhythm. So he peaked over and saw from afar, the blasts lit those buildings green. The webhead knew who it was... the one, the only... SHOCKER!
'Shocker?... it's been a while since I've seen him'

"Hey Montana, shocker to see you here!"

"Nice word-play, bug"

"Thanks, I really worked on that... Got a new gig?"

"Not really. Still doing dirty work, squashing spiders... although one's REALLY gettin on my nerves"

"Yeah... sounds like a personal issue, Montana"

"It sure does. But it's gonna be gone, sooner or later"

"Heh. You sound sure about that"

"I'm sure about it. The big man's sure about it"

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