Epilogue (Part 1)

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1 Year Later

"Mum, I didn't know you knew this many people" I smirk, taking a sip of my drink.

"I don't" she sighs, shaking her head. "Blame David"

"I always do"

My house is currently full to the brim of adults. There's around 40 people here all from my Mum's work celebrating my Mum moving up a stage in the business. She's now in stage 4 which means better pay, better houses to sell, better office... It's a really good thing for her.

So David decided to throw a party for her at her own house. The logic...

I'm really proud of her actually. She's worked her ass off to get to that stage.

"I heard my name" David says, walking over to us.

"Oh yeah, we were just talking about who's cleaning up after the party" I smile sarcastically at him. Mum takes the opportunity to walk away, probably knowing that this is going to make us bicker.

He scoffs, "You're helping. I don't know where everything goes"

"That excuse might have worked a year ago, my friend, but I'm older and wiser. You practically live here now so I'm sure you can find where the hoover and the bin is" I raise an eyebrow and he just sighs.

"Fine" he huffs. "I don't find it fair how I have to help and not Logan. You know he smashed a glass?"

"You little snitch" I laugh.

"One of your Mum's expensive wine glasses too" he nods.

My face drops and I slap my hand over my mouth in shock, "You're joking?!"

"Nope" he shakes his head, popping the 'p' childishly. Logan's gonna get killed by my Mum! Maybe we can push the blame onto her tomorrow morning when her memory's cloudy due to the amount of alcohol she's bound to have tonight.

"I haven't seen him in a while actually. Is he-"

"He's staying clear from your Mum. Scared she's going to find out" he informs me.

I smile widely, "David, you're such a tell-tale"

"Only being honest" he smiles innocently, and I chuckle.

"So this is where the party's at" Logan slurs, jumping in between David and I, and wrapping his arms around us both. My pink lemonade splashes out of my glass slightly so I slap him away from me and wipe my dress.

"How much have you drank?" David gasps, taking in Logan's appearance. He looks smashed.

"I'm celebrating your Mum's raise!" he cheers.

"It's not just a freaking raise, Logan" I roll my eyes. He doesn't even know what he's celebrating...

"Meggy, guess what?" he smirks.

"What?" I raise an eyebrow, biting back a smile. I love it when he calls me that. He's kind of cute when he's drunk too. I've actually never seen him this drunk. He can usually hack his drink.

Maybe he's taken drugs...

"Tonight is our 47th sleepover" he squeals.

"Oh god" David groans, placing his hand on his head. "You're a man, Logan! It's not a sleepover"

"David, he stopped saying he was 'crashing at my house' on sleepover number three" I smirk.

I turn to Logan and start laughing. I can't believe we've had that many sleepovers.

"It's almost our 50th anniversary!" I squeal along with Logan.

"Girl, you know it!" he raises his hand in the air, slapping it with mine which makes me laugh further. "Aw, I love you Meggy"

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