"I'm going to freaking murder you!"

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"You're not skipping again, Megan. Get up" Mum says as she pops her head through my bedroom door. I mutter a response before finding the strength to tear the duvet off me and sit up. Why is waking up so painful?

I get ready for school as quickly as possible and manage to actually get there by 8:50am. And I still have ten minutes to spare.

I decide to use my ten minutes before class wisely, pulling out my planner to see which lessons I have today; Science, Geography, Maths, French, ICT and English.

Pretty crap day if you ask me. But it's Friday so I'm in a slightly better mood. Mum said we could go out shopping tonight which I'm excited for.

The day actually goes pretty quickly. Science was boring but Mr Black made Geography pretty fun today. We basically just had a massive discussion about the good and bad things in Blackpool. Very educational and productive if you ask me.

Every other lesson since then has been boring. But now I have freaking English. I bet my wardrobe that this lesson doesn't go well.

"Megan" Mrs Reid nods at me as soon as I enter the room. I completely ignore her and go to my place at the back of class.

I hate it when teachers do that; they're absolutely horrible to you one lesson and the next they're trying to be all civil with you. Well she's mistaken, once you're horrible to me, don't expect me to ever like you again.

"Morning class. We're going to try and finish the book today so get them out please" she asks everyone, sitting down at her desk and putting on her glasses.

Shock, I forgot my book.

"Have you forgotten it?" Sammy, the girl sat next to me, asks as she watches me rummage through my bag.

"Yeah" I laugh dryly.

"You can share with me if you like" she offers.

I smile, "It's fine. Thanks though"

Her face drops, "She'll kill you if she sees you"

"She's blind as a bat. And it's not like I read the book anyway" I chuckle.

"True" she laughs. I like Sammy, she's always been nice to me since I got sat here. The amount of times she's leant me a pen is unbelievable.

Mrs Reid makes the class take turns in reading the book whilst I continue to sit back in my seat and pick the split ends out of my hair. I really need a trim.

"Megan" she calls.

Of course she'd pick me.

"Uh" I stutter. Sammy slides her book over to me discretely and points to where we're at, so I send her a grateful smile before reading the first sentence.

"Sammy, where's your book?" Mrs Reid asks, midway through my sentence. She stands up and starts to walk over to our table. Sammy looks at me in panic.

I can't get her in trouble for this.

"It's here" I tell the teacher as she comes over.

"And why do you have her book?" she says in a cocky tone.

"Because I don't have mine" I mock her.

"Why don't you have your book?" she snarls, ignoring my previous tone.

"I forgot it. I think I lost it actually" I frown in confusion. Come to think of it, I haven't seen my book in weeks. Where is it?

"So you've been sat here for twenty minutes of my lesson doing nothing but play with your hair?" she raises her voice.

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