"Remind me about that one more time and I'll slap you with a piece of pizza"

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"So you're leaving school this year, right?" David asks.

We're currently making our way to his car so we can go out for some lunch that he's managed to persuade me into. I mean, it's not exactly hard. He's taking me out for food for god's sake. I'd go out with Adolf freaking Hitler if he was offering me food.

Too far, Megan.

"It's creepy how much you know about me" I simply say.

"Yeah, your Mum doesn't shut up about you" he chuckles, making me smirk slightly. Mum's so cute. "Are you excited to leave?"

"Yeah," I scoff, "I hate school. Hence why I'm skipping now"

"Will your Mum not mind you skipping? You get in trouble for that, you know?"

"Yes, I'm not stupid" I roll my eyes. "I'm past caring now"

"Fair enough" he nods. I like how chilled out he is about me skipping school. Mum's going to freak out when she sees me but I'm glad David's not taking the opportunity to try and lecture me too.

He pulls his keys out of his pocket when we enter the car park and I follow him to his car.

"Woah, this is yours?" I gasp, staring at the black car. I'm absolutely hopeless with car names so don't expect details. I probably couldn't tell a Ferrari from a BMW.

"Yeah, it's a Lexus LFA" he smiles proudly at the car. Logan would love this. "You like it?"

I nod enthusiastically, probably looking like one of those bobbly head toy dogs that people stick in the back of their cars.

"How did you afford this?" I ask, opening the passenger door and getting in the car with him.

"I've saved up for years" he explains as he starts the engine. "So where are we going?"

"I don't know" I shrug, turning to him.

"Um, Subway, McDonalds, Pizza Hut..."

I gasp, "Pizza Hut"

Say no more, my friend.

"Oki doke" he nods, swiftly reversing out of his parking spot and speeding down the road. "So what are you thinking of doing when you leave school?" he asks.

I shrug, "I want to do accounting in college"

"Oh cool, you're into math then?"

"Yeah, it's the only lesson I actually enjoy going to"

"I've always liked math. I'm more into science though" he tells me and I scrunch my nose up, trying not to judge but... Science?

"That's my least favourite"

"Seriously? You don't like learning about Charles Darwin's theory of evolution?" he teases, receiving an eye roll.

"I don't even know why we have to learn stupid stuff like that" I scoff.

"Yeah, it's pretty stupid. It's alright though. You don't even have a whole year left and then you get to decide what subjects you want to learn more about" he shrugs.

"That's such a depressing way of putting it" I cringe, making him chuckle. "What is your job?"

"I'm an estate manager, like your Mum" he tells me. "Except there's different stages of the business. Your Mum's in stage three and I'm in stage five. It's just down to how much experience you have in the job. I'd work with bigger sales than your Mum would"

"So she sells flats and you sell mansions" I raise an eyebrow.

"No, not at all. Your Mum deals with less demanding people. So say if you wanted a house, you'd go to your Mum and she'd make it straightforward" he explains and I nod. "My job is to make it straightforward for people that would want to buy more complex things. It's just because I've been in the job longer though, you work your way up the stages"

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