"This has detention written all over it"

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I'm going to be so late.

I'll get a detention.

This is stupid. Why don't I set a damn alarm?

It's 8:45am and if I'm not in school by 9am, I'm screwed. My school's so strict that I wouldn't be surprised if I got excluded for being late. The advantages of going to a private school, hey? Lord knows what my Mum was thinking sending me here. I'm the least sophisticated person in Britain.

"Megan, I'm not calling school this time to get your ass out of a detention!" Mum calls from the bottom of the stairs.

I roll my eyes and quickly tie my brown hair up in a ponytail. I'm thinking of dying it blonde but-

"Megan, get the hell down here!" Mum screams, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"I'm coming" I call back, snatching my bag off the floor and running downstairs to where I'm greeted by my mother who's trying desperately to look disappointed in me. In actual fact, she doesn't really care if I'm late to school. She knows that if I am, the school will tell me off anyway so it's no skin off her nose.

"This has detention written all over it" she chuckles slightly, a smile breaking onto her face. I groan and jog out of the house, getting into Mums car.

I get to school at 8:58am, just before the bell rings which is an absolute miracle. If Mum didn't drive 20mph past the speed limit the whole way to school, we never would have made it. I also had to run into the main building like freaking Usain Bolt to make sure I was inside before 9am.

"I didn't think you were gonna make it this time" Kyle laughs as I approach him, checking his watch.

"Don't even start" I groan, leaning against the lockers as I catch my breath.

"I don't know why you're incapable of setting an alarm" Amelia shakes her head in amusement.

"Anybody else want to slate me for being late?" I raise an eyebrow, too tired to even begin throwing comebacks.

This is the group I spend my breaks with in school when I don't want to be on my own. Sounds harsh but I think even they know that after school, we probably will never speak again. I enjoy their company and I'm presuming they enjoy mine, but I'm definitely not the one they would make plans with outside the prison.

The bell rings immediately after our conversation and I make my way to my English class, hoping to get a bit of sleep in there.

I throw my bag onto the table as I slump down into my seat at the back of the class. I wrap my arms around my bag and rest my head on it, creating a reasonable pillow for myself. It should be comfy for about half an hour.


I jump up from my bag at the roaring in my ear. Shoot, how long have I been out?

"What?" I groan, rubbing my head slightly to cure the possible headache that's bound to come.

"You've slept through fifteen minutes of my lesson!" Mrs Reid nags. I close my eyes to stop myself from rolling them and getting into some serious trouble. "Are you even listening to me?"

"Yes, you're just screaming at me and it's giving me headache" I sigh. I swear this is like, harassment or something. I could get her arrested for shouting at me for sleeping in her boring-ass lesson.

She's just such a dull teacher. Her voice is so monotonous and if anybody is caught talking, you get sent out of her class immediately. She once made me stand with my back to the class, facing the wall because I asked Sammy for a pen.

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