"Would setting the room on fire be worth the expulsion?"

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I haven't spoken to my Mum all weekend except from the odd word here and there. Whenever she even tries to talk to me, I just say that I have to do homework, or I'd run before she has the chance to stop me. I just really don't want this chat with her.

"I can give you a lift today if you like" Mum offers when I make my way into the kitchen. I'm about to kindly decline but the rumbling outside instantly makes me change my mind.

Seriously? It was sunny yesterday... British weather is so freaking unpredictable.

"Thanks" I flash her a smile, placing my cup into the sink before putting on my coat. When I'm ready, I make my way to my Mum's car and she soon follows after me.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?" Mum asks as we drive out of our estate.

"No" I shrug, staring out of the window. "Why?"

"Well uh, David's invited me out for dinner tonight. I thought you could make plans with Reece or Logan maybe" she quickly explains. I let out a huge sigh.

So that's his name.

She doesn't even know that Reece and I broke up. I was about to tell her until I walked in on her and David.

"I could always cancel" she says. I look at her to see her staring at me sympathetically.

"No, I'll find something to do" I shrug. "You have fun with your boyfriend"


"Mum, it's fine" I interrupt, not wanting to get into this first thing in the morning.

"You can always come with us" she shrugs. "David really wants to meet you"

I scoff, "I doubt that"

"Look Meg, we really like each other so you need to accept that. You can't keep going off on one whenever I mention him" she surprises me by saying. "Look, I get that you're a bit upset but this is ridiculous now, Megan. You haven't spoken to me all weekend, and for what? Because you're mad that I have a boyfriend? You don't see me getting angry when you go out with Logan"

"Logan isn't my boyfriend" I correct her.

"Somebody came into your life and you went out and spent time with them. That's the exact same thing with me, Megan!" she exasperates. "I'll admit, I was scared to tell you at first that I'd met somebody because I didn't know how you'd react but deep down, I actually thought you'd be thrilled that I've finally found somebody that makes me happy"

She's got the complete wrong idea of this. Yeah, I guess having less attention from my Mum now is partly why I'm annoyed. Petty, I know but I'm a girl... attention is a basic requirement.

But I'm annoyed because she kept the whole thing a secret from me. I just don't understand why she wouldn't tell me from day 1 that she's met someone she sees a future with.

"That's not why I'm mad" I say bluntly.

"What?" she frowns in confusion. "Then what is it?"

"You lied to me, Mum" I sigh. "I told you every single details about me and Logan, and Reece. Why didn't you do the same for me?"

She gives me a sympathetic look but doesn't respond. Instead, we just sit the rest of the journey in silence until we pull up to school and say our goodbyes.

I make my way straight to my first lesson; English. I couldn't be in a worse mood and now I have to spend an hour in my least favourite class. There's nothing good about this class.

I grumpily make my way to the back of the class and sit in my place, impatiently waiting for the lesson to end before it's even begun. I continue to watch as everyone makes their way into the class. The only person I really take notice in is Logan. He's the last person to walk in and makes straight eye-contact with me as soon as he enters.

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