67 - the photographer

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"never love a photographer,

because they'll shower you with the most addictive type of love.

they'll capture your memories in these little squares, these little squares that will haunt you for life.

they'll tell you to strike a pose as they stand holding their camera, a dorky grin and bright, excited eyes stare back at you as the flash goes off, this blinding light will keep coming back to you in your nightmares.

they'll stare at the twinkling stars, and then tell you that you shine brighter than they do, and take another photo of you smiling at their kindness, but soon these stars stop shining just like you do.

they'll arrange their collection of you, in the most random of poses, fondness etched in their expression and seeing that makes your heart so full, but they'll just as easily start a new collection of someone that is not you one day.

they'll treasure you, keep you in a safe, then throw away the key, leaving you trapped, unable to find them or yourself.

you'll miss their random urges to preserve you in every scenery, blend you in with beautiful skies and trees.

you'll miss being bundled up in white sheets, nothing to preserve your modesty, as you hear the familiar clicks go off.

you'll miss their camera, dangling from their neck, swaying along with them, the camera that has captured every bit of you.

you'll miss their ability to make anything look stunning, the plainest, morbid things blossoming with beauty in their pictures.

never love a photographer,

because they'll leave you with photographs you can't bring yourself to look at or bring yourself to burn."


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