67 - the writer

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"never love a writer,

because they'll shower you with the most painful kind of love.

they'll write sonnets about something as simple as the curve of your back,

and novels about something as trivial as your nervous habits, 

they'll write about any and every little detail that you probably don't even notice about yourself,

they'll make you feel things, emotions you never knew existed, then pen them down in sentences,

they'll make you fall in love a thousand times a day,

they'll make you so vulnerable, read you a million times a day and never get bored.

never love a writer, 

because when they leave, 

it'll ruin you so badly, you can't even pick up a pen to write anything without remembering their words, the messy handwriting that scribbled them, and leaves you a sobbing mess.

you'll miss their gaze, their gentle, careful touches, their soft confessions of admiration.

you'll miss the attention, the long nights full of talking or no talking at all, only actions expressing devotion.

no tears will soothe that pain, that pain of knowing they'll have a new muse as a new day breaks, that pain of knowing you'll never feel that love again.

never love a writer,

because as beautiful as the words written by them are, they are also weapons, designed to kill you softly"


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