Part 24: My First Gig

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Music boomed, lights flashed, and people danced to the music played by the band before us. LED lights lined the counter tops, walls, and the bar against the wall. The LEDs flashed in a rainbow of colors determined by the sound and beat of the music the band played. People moved to the music. Whether it was a slow dance or an up-beat country song, they danced.

Happy Sunflower was the band that played before us, and they played a more modern selection of country music. Songs by Ed Sheeran, Hunter Hayes, and Luke Bryan were popular with their audience, and I began to question our choice of songs. Standing up on the stage at the end of the room would be a daunting experience.

"Hey, Mark! Over here!" Daniel shouted over the screaming crowd as the band finished a song.

"Sorry, I'm late," I apologized. "I got held up in traffic, but at least I made it before our gig."

"No need to apologize. They're fifteen minutes behind schedule anyways. Shane and I will be over at the bar. Don't worry I won't drink much. That's what Shane's for!"

"Doesn't Shane drink?"

"No. He believes it's a waste of time or something. The girls are over there chatting with some of their friends," he said pointing over at a small booth. "Just be ready in the next ten minutes so we can set up."

I walked towards the door next to the stage to the room for all the band, took my guitar bag off my shoulder, and walked back out into the loud nightclub. I wasn't sure of what to do, because the guys were drinking and the girls were with their other friends. It's not like I knew anyone here.

Seven minutes until I would have to be up on that stage with my guitar. I was beginning to fill my mind with doubt when someone ran into me.

"Sorry," the girl said as she pushed through the crowd.

"It's fin..." I was about to say, when I noticed the familiar blue streaks among brown strands. "Fiona?"

She froze and turned around meeting my hazel eyes with her blue eyes. "Mark, what are you doing here?"

"I'm playing with the next band. What about you?" I asked.

"I came here with a group of friends, but they left me with some weirdo so I was going home."

"Oh. Well, how's college?"

"It's not bad after you get used to it. I'm assuming you experienced the same thing already."

"Yeah. It's been a year since I last saw you."

"I know. How's Candy and Eddie? Are they dating yet?"

"So you did know before! I knew it!" I exclaimed referring to the time they changed the subject when I walked over.

The band wrapped up their final song, and I realized that I had to get ready.

"Sorry to leave so soon, but-"

"It's fine," she interrupted. "I'll stay and watch for a little while before I go. I still have classes tomorrow after all."

"Thanks!" I said as I rushed towards the door.

Danny, Shane, Shauna, and Rem were already moving their instruments and cords to the stage and putting them together when I got there. Shauna looked like she was the only nervous one in the group as she moved mindlessly helping Danny. Within a few minutes we were ready to perform.

Shane nudged me and asked, "Who's the girl?"

I wasn't sure who he meant, then realized he must have seen me talking to Fiona. "Just an old friend from high school. She was the one who taught me how to play guitar."

Shane shrugged. "If you say so, man."

I didn't understand what he meant by that, and I was about to ask him when Danny gave the signal to begin.

The gig wasn't hard, because we had spent most of the day before practicing. Shauna still seemed really nervous when she was singing, but that might just be her natural stance while singing. I scanned the crowd for Fiona, but I couldn't find her. I wondered if she was too short to pick out above the crowd, when she pushed her way through to the front of the stage and waved. My face felt hot for a moment when I noticed her. She looked really pretty. I pushed the thought aside, and nodded toward her to show that I noticed her.

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