Dream notes 5 of 10

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It was the final year of high school on a Monday morning. 
I know it was Monday because I was all over the place and messy, forgetting everything with an almost empty school bag. 
I remember going to the bus stop and seeing more kids there than usual, all kids my age. 
I had to run back inside a few times because I kept forgetting things inside. 
It didn't matter because the bus was running extremely late, as time went on, more and more kids gathered at my bus stop. 

By the time I'd stopped running back and forth from my house to the bus stop, a cute little cluster of kids had gathered.
In the end, the bus never came, so one boy suggested we all talk a walk and get to know one another.
I don't remember much of what happened after that but I do remember some of the kids I met then. 
There was a slender girl with dark skin and long curly hair that went down to her thighs, she carried a large bag of shredded cheese with her that she shared with all of us, it was really fancy cheese too. She was so gorgeous.
There was a pale boy with curly dark hair and glasses, he was really smart and really obnoxious, I absolutely couldn't stand him. He looked like a slightly cuter David Henrie.
And my favourite of the three was a tall, thin alternative boy with red hair, he was funny and silly and so wonderful and refreshing to spend time with. I remember him sitting on a kitchen counter and chucking popcorn at me and winking. 

It was lovely to get to know the kids at the bus stop. 
I woke up missing the boy with red hair. 

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