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After devouring a plate of pancakes in an embarrassing 3 minutes and 4 seconds, Miguel got up and said goodbye to his aunt María.

"Thank you for the pancakes, I love you"
"I love you to pieces, Miguel. Come and see me more"
She gave him another red stain on his cheek.
They both wave goodbye.
I smile at her.

Someday I'll ask to hear stories about aunt María.

The closest hair salon opens at 9.
Miguel starts walking.

"Where are we going? The salon doesn't open till 9"
I ask, following behind him
"I'm taking you to the park."
"Oh, alright."

God, I hate sand.
I hope it's wood chips.

17 minutes of walking.

We reach a small park.
Swingset. Red metal slide.
Fuck. Sand.

"I hate sand."
"You hate everything."
"Including sand"
"Come on, it's not so bad."
"It's irritating and it gets in my shoes."
"Live a little. It's just sand."

I take a deep breath.
Run to your life.

I take my shoes and socks off.
I step into the pit of sand.
It's soft.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Miguel shouts
I smile at him, it feels good.

I run to the swingset.
He follows me.
I sit on a red wooden swing.
I kick the ground to get myself going.
Miguel sits on the swing next to me.
"I bet I can swing higher than you."
Another game.
"That sounds like a challenge."
"You bet it is."

Swinging. Unfamiliar creaking.
Sand. Warmth. Sweat. Whimsy.

I let him win this one too.

At 8:52 we stand up.
He tells me he used to come here when he was young.
I tell him I understand why.

"Wanna get going?" He asks
"Yeah, let's bounce, bitch."
I say, wiping my feet off with my socks.

"You look like carrot top."
"Fuck you"

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