Wise blood

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When I turned 16 years old, my Uncle came to visit my brother and I.
It was the first time I'd ever met him.
He was short and skinny, he looked like he never slept a day in his life.

My brother wouldn't leave me alone with him.

He came with a present.
I can't remember what it was for the life of me.
But I do remember what he said before he left.

"My only wish for you, on your birthday, is that you live your life doing whatever the fuck you want. Because no one knows a damn thing until they turn 30."

I haven't seen him since.
I'm glad.
He smelled like cheap wine and dragged his feet when he walked.

But his birthday wish was a good one.
I've got wise blood.
Even the creeps in my family have lived enough to have something worth saying.

I'm too young to confirm his theory, about turning 30.
But I'm not too young to do whatever the fuck I want.
I'm not too young to stop being bored.
And I'm just old enough to give a cryptic, blue haired stranger a phone call.

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