The Christmas Gift // Zianourry

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This was a prompt by @sawgger_horan
"The guys should get a kitten hybrid (aka niall) for Xmas from Paul and Paul says he's to be a pet but they all fall in love"

Thanks for the prompt!

(Just so you all understand, I've made it that the 4 boys are still in One Direction but Niall isn't - there wasn't anything In the prompt saying they had to be or not, sooo😛)


It was 7am on Christmas morning, and Louis, Liam, Harry and Zayn were all still tucked up in bed after being exhausted from celebrating Louis' birthday the night before.

It was only 10 minutes later when the blissful silence was broken by a shrill ringing of Liam's phone on the bedside table

"Oh for god sakes Li, turn it off" Zayn mumbled, head not leaving the pillow

Liam got up and rubbed his eyes before reaching for his phone, seeing that it was Paul "hey Paul"

"Morning Liam" the cheerful voice on the other end of the line replied

"What's so important to wake us up at 7am, Paul?"

"Um, it's Christmas... Plus I've got you all a joint gift which I really think you'll love so get you tushies out of bed and be ready in half an hour"

And that was that as Paul put the phone down.

Groaning, Liam, realised he had the dreaded task of waking the 3 Sleeping Beauties. "Boys, get up, Paul's gonna be here in half an hour with our gift"

Surprisingly, it only took 10 minutes to get them all up, showered and dressed and downstairs in the living room with steaming mugs of hot chocolate.

Then a knock that they easily recognised as Paul, sounded at the door and Harry stood up to answer it

"hi Paul! Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas to you too, Haz"

Harry allowed Paul to step inside and discretely (or so he thought) checked his hands to see where the present was
"It's in the car, Harry" Paul told him, with a fond smile

"Well go get it then!" Louis chimed in, excited to get more presents

"No I need to talk to you boys first. listen the gift I'm giving you is... a little different and you need to look after it properly ok?" Paul told them, putting on his best stern face

"Oh my gosh you got us a cat! Or a dog?? Or a rabbit? Oh my god oh my god oh my god!!!"

Harry was very happy.

"Uh not quite Haz, listen I'll go get him and you'll see what I mean"

So the 4 boys (after Liam had dragged Harry to sit down) were waiting on the sofa waiting for Paul to come back. They could hear him talking softly to something outside and heard what sounded like a weak 'meow' back in response

When Paul stepped back into the house, their mouths dropped.

Wrapped up in a light blue blanket in Paul's arms, was a small boy, snoring softly. They couldn't see his bottom half but could see something moving which they assumed was his leg twitching as he dreamed, and there was a grey beanie covering his hair.

"Paul... Paul... You got us a-a child?!" Zayn exclaimed, completely baffled.

"Not quite, Zayn. Look just budge up a bit and let me lie him down, yeah?"

One Direction One Shots | Niall-centricOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora