Pass the sugar sugar // Narry

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@datskady : Narry meet in a cooking class (fluffy)

Niall was humming along to the tune playing on the radio as he drove to the building where his cooking class would be taking place. He reached his destination after another five minutes, and found a parking spot before making his way inside.

He wasn't quite sure where to go, as it was his first lesson tonight and there were a lot of corridors with very similar looking doors. Eventually he found the room after following the sound of chatter and sheepishly made his way inside, glancing at his phone to make sure he wasn't late, smiling in triumph when he realised he wasn't. Niall looked around the room seeing most stations had their assigned two people to them - apart from one. It was located at the back and only had one person standing behind it, a man, Niall supposed, although his long curly hair confused Niall slightly. Making his way toward the station, Niall greeted his new cooking partner, "hey!"

The man turned around, smiling at the blonde with kind green eyes and a soft grin, "hi there. Are you my new cooking buddy?"

Niall nodded, "seems like it. I hope you don't mind, your station was the only one left."

"Not a problem. I'd rather have you than some snotty woman who thinks she knows better than the teacher - which is, uh, most of them by the way"

Niall laughed. He liked this guy already, "this isn't your first time then?"

"Nah, been going for a few weeks. Thought I'd just brush up on my skills, and learn some new recipes and such. You?"

"My first time. I'm not the greatest in the kitchen.. I thought it'd be better for me attempt things here where there's someone to put my fires out rather than all alone at home."

The stranger laughed, "What's your name?"

"Niall Horan. Yours?"

"'M Harry Styles. And I'll be happy to put out your fires, Niall Horan."

Niall could feel himself blush at Harry's words, "well thank you."

Harry just nodded in response, both quieting down as the teacher began to speak, "good evening, everyone! Now I know there are a few newbies around and hopefully they've introduced themselves because this isn't school so I won't make you stand up and tell the class about yourselves." That got a polite laugh out of the group. "Tonight, we'll be making a classic Victoria sponge cake."

She began telling them how much of the ingredients in front of them they'd need and the type of utensils they'd need to use from the drawers behind their stations.

Once they'd gathered all what they'd need on top of their desk, the two listened as the teacher began to explain step by step which ingredients to mix and how to mix them properly so that everything would blend well together.

Both boys had been getting on well with each other, making little jokes here and there about the other students in the room. As they put both cakes in the oven to bake, the teacher told the class they'd have about 15 minutes before they needed to start making the filling in preparation for the cake being done, so Harry and Niall decided to spend that time getting to know each other a little better.

"So, what do you do, Niall Horan?"

"What do I do?" Niall queried, confused

"Yeah like a job or a hobby or something" Harry explained

"Oh. Um, i'm in uni at the minute studying music and uh, I like to play my guitar in my spare time too and sometimes if I can, I visit the children's ward at the hospital and play them little songs and stuff." Niall told him, blushing as he said the last part.

One Direction One Shots | Niall-centricOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora