One Direction One Shots

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Hey everyone!

So I thought as well as my story 'Through The Dark' (go check it out if you haven't already😋), I'd do something a little less.. Full on(?)

So I'll be writing my own one shots that I come up with but if you have an idea for a one shot then i'll gladly take it!

I'll write anything -fluff, angst, ageplay, smut (although I'm not very good so if you want smut bare with me lol), etc.

I like anything Niall-centric - I just think it's easiest for me to write and come up with ideas for Niall plus Niall's adorable so why not, aye. I'll write any Niall pairing (Niam, Narry, Nouis, Ziall, Zianourry.) Bromance OR romance😊

Please leave requests in the comments below or in my inbox! And if you like any of the one shots I write then please tell me and leave a comment or vote.


One Direction One Shots | Niall-centricOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora