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Erica-Hi Cole!

Cole-Hi! What are you doing climbing out of a wonder?!

Erica-Ohhh! My guard is following me and I wanted to lose him!

Cole-Ohh! In that case do you want to get out of here and going some where else?!

Erica-Sure! I would love that! We then get to Cole car and get in and he drive my to his house and we talked for a long time.

Cole-Hey did you ever had any crashes in school?!


Cole-Will I want to know and I will tell you my!

Erica-Okey then you going first!

Cole-No! I know want your going to do your going to make my said my and you will not tell my your!

Erica-Okey! It was you.....

Cole-Really? Because you were my!


Cole-You know my not tie down. You seen like you don't like your mate some we should try this though! I then kiss Erica in the lips and it feel some good!

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