The Mark

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Ares-We then look around and found some open windows and doors. We then made are way in to the house. I want in first to taking with he and see if we can come to a conclusion. There was 4 other wolfs that came with me. I then knocked on the door.

Alpha-I heard a knocked on the door. There was no one else in the house with my but one guard. I then open the door and to my surprise it was Ares from the most powerful pack in the world. Hi. What can I do for you?

Ares-I have some questions for you.

Alpha-What is it? I was can of certain and scared for want he was going to said.

Ares-Did you have a wolf leave you pack house and going some where?


Ares-I know that it was some one from his pack and I know that he was close with he because he seems hesitant.

Alpha-Some what do you want from this person?

Ares-You know want I what I want he die some he has no chance of doing this again!

Alpha-Will we don't know anyone that left the pack house today.

Ares-You can die too if you don't help us and all your other people because we have they set up around you guys.

Alpha-Okey.... I then started to going to my room some I could get a weapon or even worn my pack to get ready because we are going to be under deck attack. I get to my room and then one of Ares men stopped my and he know want I was going to do. Then he called his alpha Ares.

Ares-Yes, want is the problem? I then want up stairs and checked it out myself. Some you were going to help your pack and try to killing us?

Alpha-Yes your a horrible men and you would never help us you would still killing all of us.

Ares-No your wrong I not going to my pack is going to because when you bite my mate you attack all of us! The only one at my going to attack is your son because he is the one that did this!

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