The Hospital

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Ares-Hey everyone we have to going to the hospital because Erica water broke. Some you guys can do what you want know. After that I get out slide and hopped in to the car and drive to the hospital. It taking us a half of a hour to get there because we had to going to a wolf dr. because of the baby being in it's wolf form. We then get out and in the way Erica called and told they and they were there to help us out. They get Erica out and grand are bags and I followed them.

Erica-They then get my in to a bed where they gave me a couple of shots. The the pain want away. They said that it would be very painful to they had to giving my the shouts. After that we waited and then it was time because the baby head was groaning. That is a good sign because you don't want any other wart of the baby coming out first. After 30 mines want by I had my first baby it was a girl. She look like my she had blue hair too like my! Some that mean that we had to make sure no one would taking her or anything. Then after a while I have my next baby it was a boy he look mad! He had process all over he and he also look small. But he also had blue hair as well! Then it was all over with having the babies. After that I get to sleep and I had to drink lot of liquids. The rest of the day I slept.

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