Chapter 12: Can't Let Go

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The buildings passing by were boring, ridden with time and the rain wasn't exactly adding to it. Gale's eyes were staring out of the window, traffic lights and cars passing by. Thoughts of the incident last night occurred to her from time to time, the blackness increasing and encompassing her mind. The reminder made her feel a little light headed, causing her to shut her eyes to mentally stabilise her tipsy turvy mind. Jensen glanced sideways to look at her every now and then, checking to see if she was okay. His eyes often landed on her wrists or her hands, only to see bruises and cuts staining her skin. Rage sparked a flame inside of him, each time the burning increased.

"You okay?" Jensen said, looking sideways at Gale who slowly turned around.

"Yeah.. Even the doctor confirmed it." A small smirk grew on her lips when she saw Jensen all ready to interrupt.

"The doctor said, you need rest to heal yourself properly. And that means staying in bed and looking after yourself," Jensen took a deep breath before continuing, "I was thinking could drop uni?" He swallowed painfully as he stared ahead, mentally and physically prepared for the immediate ranting that which he thought would inevitably come from Gale, but when he heard none, his confusion increased. He hesitantly glanced sideways, but his hesitation instantly died at the expression on Gale's face: she was smirking violently, her eyes boring holes into his face.

"You idiot. I thought it was going to be something really bad," She laughed softly as she turned back to face the road, "Giving the attempt on my life, I don't think uni is the place for me right now." He sighed with relief but it didn't quite soothe the wave upon wave of guilt he felt overcoming his battered heart. He winced slight, and the sound caused Gale to face him.

"What's wrong?"

"It's my fault this happened to you," he started quietly, "If I never came here in the first place, this never would've happened. I'm so sorry Gale.. " He drifted off, not able to say anymore due to the overwhelming sense of guilt washed over him, a flash of images shot through his head, Gale sprawled across the floor, blood pouring out profusely, and that damning message that would haunt him forever. He stared ahead, his eyes locked on the road, but in an entirely different thought. His hand on the gear was quickly turning cold, the rest of his body following. An overwhelming feeling of iciness washed over him, the guilt washing away his warmth, until a new kind of warmth hit him. It was different, strong and full of love and was rapidly removing the cold. Gale's hand rested atop Jensen's, and as he turned to look at her, he saw the exact reason WHY he loved her. The compassion, the love, the sheer proximity of her seemed to wash away the darkness that surrounded him. The radiance that she exuded was phenomenal; she was his light in the dark. He often admired her, developing an understanding of her day by day. The beautiful elegance in the way she moved, her silken skin that glowed glisteningly blew his breath away. And those lips.. Those of which he just wanted to reach down and brush gently..


He was grateful for the interruption. He didn't know how long he had lingered in his thoughts, so automatically replied with a 'yep'.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, sorry. Was a little lost in my thoughts there," He blinked confused, and looked around his surroundings.

"We're here."

After a moment of utter confusion, he noticed their surroundings. He was right outside Jared's home. He quickly slipped out of the car, before walking over to Gale's side, and helping her out. Holding her hand, he gently led her in, chuckling slightly at Gale's muttering and grumbling. Jensen heard Genivieve, Jared and Misha talking as he made his way inside:

"-pone the wedding."

"Yeah I agree. There's too much going on right now." They got louder as he closed in, with Gale following close behind him.

One Last Beginning: A Last Chance {Jensen Ackles Fanfic} *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now