Chapter 1: The new guy

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The alarm was going off and was going off loudly. Gale glanced at the clock: 9:00 a.m. The holidays had ended for Gale and it was the beginning of her second year in Phycology. She got up and rested her heads in her hands, ran a hand through her hair and eventually but drowsily made her way to the bathroom.

"This is gonna be a hard year," she mumbled to herself whilst on her way. She threw some water on her face and stared into the mirror. Her eyes landed on the scar that occupied her neck and suddenly, a horrible memory came slithering its way into her head. She quickly looked away and then started brushing her teeth, and when done, she strolled back into her bedroom. She needed to be at uni for 11:00 a.m. and her train was setting off in half an hour. It took 1 hour getting to Chicago so she needed to hurry herself up. Luckily, she had everything packed and just needed to get ready. She pulled a checked shirt on and slipped into jeans and tied her trainers. She was a straight forward person, nothing out of the ordinary about her. She put her eye liner on and applied some cream. Once she was ready, she threw her rucksack over her shoulder, got her suitcase and made her way out of her room. She took a quick scan of the room, when her eyes came upon the photo frame of her and her ex boyfriend. She didn't know why she kept it, she should've thrown it back in the bastard's face but she didn't have the heart to. She eventually shook it off and looked around to see if she had missed something but she was ready. With a heavy head, she walked out the front door and pulled out her phone and called a taxi. The taxi came quick and she hopped in, after putting her suitcase in the boot. She tapped her thigh impatiently and when she finally got to the station, it was what she thought it would be; a rush. She sighed defeatedly and made her way through the crowd.

"Ex- sorry- ple- EXCUSE ME!" She shouted but her shout was drowned out by the noise of the crowd, therefore leaving her unnoticed. She resorted to her last option. Shoving and pushing. Gale didn't have the time to start being polite and get nowhere, so this is what she had to do. After what seemed ages, she reached her platform and took a peak at her watch. 9:25.

"The train should be coming now.." Her eyes travelled to the sound of the incoming train. Everyone rushed to the edge of the platform, ready to get on, but because of all the fumbling idiots, an old lady was nearly knocked over, but a man was there instantly helping her, asking if she was ok.

"Can I help you, ma'am?" She could hear him saying in a deep, masculine and what she didn't want to say; sexy voice. This caught Gale's eye, the generosity of this man... But it was when he turned around, Gale was stunned; this guy was VERY handsome. His beautiful green eyes glittered in the sunlight and his dazzling smile took her breath away. He was dressed in a casual leather jacket and was wearing jeans but something was different; he was different. He helped the lady up, and walked her to where, Gale assumed, she needed to go. When they reached their destination, he threw the lady one last perfect smile. She noticed that she was now openly gawping at them, and when this mysterious man turned back to the train, his eye caught hers. She turned her head so fast that she could hear a 'crick' but he was still whirring through her head. So handsome, so generous... What happened to the male race? She thought. She could see the train coming in now and she turned to look, it was indeed coming but something else entirely captured her attention; he was staring at her with a smirk on his handsome face, he smiled at her, a heart warming smile, and dammit, a blush crept along the side of her cheek. She lightning fast looked away again only to see the train right in front of her, and people practically falling over one another trying to get on there. Once the crowd had lessened she made her way into the train, but guess who was behind her. She hurried up her pace, to try and find a secluded part of the train, and when she did she launched herself into it. She fell onto the seat, satisfied, that she was now was away from his unflinching stare. However, her joy was short lived; he looked through the door and found her.

Why? Why of all places, why here?! She thought to herself, knowing that he was going to sit here.

"Hey, is anyone planning to sit here?" He said, a smirk forming on his face in result to her blushing.

"Uh, nope. You c-can, if you want." She stuttered, avoiding his cheeky stare.

Smooth Gale, real smooth. 

"Great!" He jumped into the seat opposite her, leaning into it.

"I'm Jensen, nice to meet you." He extended his hand out in a friendly manner, of which Gale shook his with an unsteady hand.

"I-I'm Gale. It's nice meeting you too..." She paused uncertain of what to say next, but before a awkward silence was born, she carried on.

"I saw what you did back there, it was really nice of you. Not all men are quite so generous.." She instinctively touched her scar and in result, his eyes landed there. Before she could speak he quickly looked away, and started talking.

"Oh, yeah, it was nothing. Shouldn't a normal person help the injured? It's common sense and well a human isn't much of human if he doesn't help others." Jensen replied, a simple expression on his face. Gale was flabbergasted, two minutes with this guy and he's already pouring out his wisdom.

"Yeah, that's true. So tell me, you're ne-" Gale's sentence was cut off as her book fell out of her bag. It was under the table and as Gale reached down to grab it, her head collided with Jensen's, causing them both to chuckle and rub their foreheads.

"I'm sorry, Gale. Here you go." He handed the book to her, causing Gale to flush at the perfect time. As she took the book, her hand fluttered against his causing her flush to deepen. She quickly took the book and shoved her book into her bag. Her light brown hair just about covered her face, in which she scrunched her face and mentally committed suicide. Gale took a deep breath and turned back to him. He stared back with a smirk of his own of which turned into a big, perfect smile, until they started laughing.

"Sorry about that, are you ok?" Jensen said, with that dazzling smile still plastered on his face.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm used to it. I'm really clumsy," Gale replied, a smile of her own lingering across hers. "Your new here? Change of scenery huh?"

"Mhm, you could say that. Thought of something new. I'm always moving around, never one permanent place." His emerald green eyes left Gale breathless. She saw haunted, but a brave and fearless man behind those jewels of his.

Who is this guy? 5 minutes in and I'm in a state! It's freakin annoying!

Gale's mood stooped as she realised she had to spend and hour with this man, and frankly she was scared.

One Last Beginning: A Last Chance {Jensen Ackles Fanfic} *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now