Chapter 8: Zero Hour

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Gale didn't want them to know she was listening to them out side. She tiptoed back into her room, totally forgetting the purpose of why she even got up. She entered the room, and sat down, a wave of questions mounting in her disbelieving head. 

Jensen loved her?

How can the rest know how she feels if she herself doesn't know? And who was this person that was after Jensen? Gale's head pounded with pain as she rested it in her hands. She sighed heavily, closing her eyes. The last few months shot through her head, Jensen's kind behaviour, their first meeting, remembering the awkward conversation, -which caused a small smile to appear on her face- and the sheer amount of times Jensen had stood up for Gale.

She looked at the clock: 3:39 am. She hadn't realised she was up for so long. She rubbed her eyes tiredly as she stood up. Remembering her initial purpose for getting up, before eavesdropping for what seemed like ages, she went to the bathroom, in search for some painkillers. It was darkness wherever she went, but her dark adapted eyes found their way. Jared had told her where the bathroom was, in case for a midnight emergency, which was helpful as she needed to go now. Gale's head snapped around, to look behind her when she heard a faint door slam.

It must Jensen or Jared..

Her eyes searched the empty room behind her, seeing nothing. With one last quizzical glance, she carried on walking.

Dammit! Where the hell's the bathroom?

She stopped, unable to find her location. She took a quick look at her surroundings, praying to see a bathroom somewhere in her line of sight. When she found none, she sighed as she rubbed her throbbing head. As she turned to head back to her room, she thought she saw a figure of black move in the shadows. It moved with unnatural speed, and seemed to be staring at her?

Woah... I've got a really bad headache.

She dragged her feet across the ground, passing Jensen and Jared's room. It was quiet, she thought.

They must've gone to sleep.

Focused on her returnal to her room with the frankly frightening sightings, she sped up her walking. However suddenly, something hard collided with her head, causing her to lose her balance. She slumped against the wall, losing her sight. Gale's gasp was cut short as she felt the next blow to the back of her head. It felt like her brain was being yanked out...


She turned her head around slowly to see her captor, a dark cloaked man, however also seeing the menacing look in his eye and the wide grin -only of which she could make out- on his face.

"JENSEN!" She screamed, it was the first name to come to her mind.. She needed to see him!

A hand covered her mouth, causing her to slowly lose her consciousness. Her lead-like arms pounded against the wall in hope of attracting attention to her terrifying situation. Her eyes willed her to give in, as her head lolled back against the wall. A overwhelming feeling of uselessness and heaviness encompassed her. She couldn't move, couldn't breathe, couldn't think..


She succumbed to the sensation, driving her into the oblivion, her only companion the twinkling green eyes of the man she didn't know if she would see again.

One Last Beginning: A Last Chance {Jensen Ackles Fanfic} *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now