Chapter 2: Dark Reminders

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The journey to Chicago was a long one. But if it wasn't for Jensen, she would've just killed herself. He was so interesting, though she hated to admit it but he was. The thought of having another person close to her just made her cringe. She can't have anyone hurt her again, she just managed to pull through the last one, she didn't know how to manage if she got hurt again.

Jensen's POV:

This girl is amazing. She's rocked my world. Even though I can't have anything to do with her, something just tells me that she's one person that's gonna be hard to avoid. Gale is beautiful. Her striking blue eyes bewitch me and I'm having a hard time concentrating. The moment I saw her I knew she would be one person who I would be interested in.

Gale's POV:

Gale sighed heavily as she made her way into her dorm.

Well, isn't this a great start to the year. Jensen doesn't seem to leave my mind, he always seems to be lingering in my conscious and taking over my thoughts. He is simply impossible. What is with me? Why do I always attract attention? She mumbled agitated as she opened her suitcase and sorted out her clothes and put them into the wardrobe. Just as she was made her way into the bathroom to sort out her things, a hand snaked around her forearm. She let out a sharp intake of breath and instantly turned around to see which idiot was holding onto her. This drunk guy was holding her arm, a sneering look on his disgusting face. A mop of dirty blond hair covered his eyes and his rank breath seemed to pollute her sense of smell.

"Well hello there pretty girl. Why are you alone? Why don't you come along with me?" He slurred as his face closed in. Her pulse was through the roof and her breathing was rapidly increasing. A tear rolled down her face as she stood paralysed with fear. Instantly a figure was there, and his fist collided with the drunks face and just as he was recovering, he threw him across the room and was there in a flash. As he held him up against the wall he threatened:

"If I find you here again, I swear I won't hesitate to break your legs."

Wait, she recognised that voice... Jensen! Gale's eyes widened as her hand flew to her mouth. She looked at him in complete awe as he held the idiot against the wall. Jensen's voice sounded threatening, fuming and the look on his face scared her. Jensen eventually let him go and the drunkard finally stumbled out of the room. His face turned to Gale, of which was still standing there her pulse thankfully calming down but nevertheless still stood there shocked and dammit, she was crying. His face red and hair ruffled, he stood there his chest heaving with anger.

"Are you ok? If you ever need me I'll be right here. If anyone tries to hurt you again, tell me and I'll gladly sort them out." His voice was full of emotion and meaning and all Gale could do was smile and in response he smiled too. She wiped her tears with trembling hands.

"T-Thanks J-Jensen.. I just couldn't d-do anything.." Gale let out, as her eyes fell to the ground.

"You shouldn't thank me. And if you ever need to talk, I'm here if you need me." He folded his arms as his gaze rested on her face.

Gale sat down on her bed and rested her head in her shaking hands. Tears never seemed to end they streamed down her check and fell to the ground. Hadn't she suffered enough? She didn't want anything like this to happen again, no more scars, no more torture..

"Are sure your ok? " He suggested, coming to crouch in front of Gale.

"No I'm fine. You can go, but thanks again." Gale said softly, in a unsteady voice. Jensen's eyes scrutinised her face for expression, but slowly his face turned from worry to smiles. "You ain't getting rid of me any time soon.." He said with a cheeky but perfectly white smile and mischievous eyes as Gale's head snapped up to the door just to see his suitcase and rucksack.

"I believe I am your roommate. I'm sure your happy to hear that." Jensen threw her a dazzling smile and as his head turned towards his belongings, the suns ray caught his eyes and they glistened serenely in which Gale seemed to drown in. She shook her musings off and scrunched her face.

"Well isn't that convenient?" She chuckled softly as she got up to help him put away his things. On her way, he stopped her with a serious expression.

"If you think your doing what I'm assuming you are, your very much mistaken. Now go sit down." He said gently as he led her to the bed.

"You don't need to Jensen, are you sure you don't need help?"

Jensen inwardly chuckled. He hadn't been trained in the SS for nothing. "No, it's fine. You sort yourself out and I'll sort mine." He gave her one last beautiful smile and carried on.

Jensen POV:

I only see a scared girl behind those blue jewels of hers. She always seems to touch her scar and her hands tremble from time to time. She is the most unique person I've ever met, and I hope to learn even more about her. The way her hair falls about her shoulders and her beautiful blue pools in which he always seemed to sink into. His horrid past left him with no chance of a safe life, and no chance of love.

One Last Beginning: A Last Chance {Jensen Ackles Fanfic} *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now