Chapter 19: A Separate Path

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"Jensen!" Gen slapped his shoulder, chiding him. He had just made a remark on how Jared would seduce-

"Your mind belongs in garbage." Interrupting Jensen's thoughts, Gen shouted, her eyes fixed on his face of which was consumed by hilarity. Beside him, Gale was laughing, her face buried in her hands in attempt to hide her face. Jared slipping an arm around Gen's waist, gently pulled her towards the door, his smile stretching with amusement. "Come on babe," He drawled, mocking her slightly. "Don't listen to him."

"I stopped listening to him years ago." She muttered, grabbing her bag and sliding it over her shoulder.

"So why are you so pissed?" Jensen continued, unfazed by Genevieve's wrath.

"Because the filth that comes of your mouth is just down right disgusting!" She jabbed her finger into his chest, now looking up into his face a smile of her own flowering when Jensen let out a big rush of air and started howling, his laugher echoing through the house. Smirking violently, Jared beckoned Gen to him: "Come on, Gen." A small chuckle reluctantly escaped Gen, rounding on Jared and walking to the door. "Try not burn the house down." She smirked, opening the door. Jensen throwing her a perfect smile, he pulled her into a hug and dropped a quick kiss to her head. "Have fun!" He winked playfully before stepping back, and clapping Jared on the shoulder. Gale slowly walked to Gen, but then hugged each other. "Thank you Gen." She murmured, low enough so only she could hear. Not needing for an explanation, Gen simply hugged her tighter. "Your welcome." Pulling back, Gen walked to the door, with Jared beside her. Throwing them their last smiles, Jensen waved off the couple, silently bidding them a good honeymoon. Locking the door, Jensen turned around smiling cheekily, causing Gale to become wary and stepped away to walk to the kitchen. "We got a whole house to ourselves.." Jensen smirked when she threw an apple his way. "Good god." Gale muttered, a small smile tugging at her lips. Pulling the fridge open, her eyes roved he inside for a water bottle. Not hearing any noise from Jensen, she assumed he went somewhere else, but when a pair of arms snaked around her waist, she practically scoffed at her stupidity. Resting his head on her shoulder, he peeked inside the fridge.

"Whatcha doing?" He chirped, turning to look at Gale. She turned towards him, her head tilted upwards slightly due to his enormous height. Reaching up to peck his lips softly, she smiled when she saw his eyes widen. "Just getting water." She threw him a dazzling smile over her shoulder, slipping out of his arms to sit on the chair under the worktop. Jensen, spurred by her gesture, turned around to sit opposite her. Sipping the water, she gave some to Jensen who tipped back practically half the bottle, and sat it down. "I propose we play a game. You ask me one question and I ask you one. You go first." Jensen smirked, his eyes lighting up at the idea. Gale was open to the idea: she would love to know more about him.

"Okay.. What was your most embarrassing moment?"

"Well, I was in the park one day, and I was walking along when this dog comes up to me. Thinking he was cute, I bent down so pet it, but before I knew it my pants had been ripped off by the damn dog, therefore showing off my bare ass to the whole park." Jensen smiled sheepishly when Gale broke out into laughter, her perfect smile directed at him. Once she had re-composed herself, she continued to smile.

"What's your favourite movie?"

Without missing a beat, Gale didn't need to think. "The Time Traveller's Wife." Jensen dumbfounded, started at her sceptically. "Really?" He mocked, his eyebrow arched.

"Yeah, problem?" She shot back, scowling.

"Is that your next question?" He replied cheekily, his grin widening.


"What's your next question then?" His voice was now dripping with amusement, his smile now an open grin.

One Last Beginning: A Last Chance {Jensen Ackles Fanfic} *under editing*Where stories live. Discover now