Chapter 13: My Heart Is Open

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2 weeks later:

"-Fuck!" He rapidly moved out of the way when a flying missile launched itself towards his 'crown jewels'. He was smiling devilishly, picking up the object Gale threw at him. He surveyed it with his twinkling eyes before turning back to Gale, whom of which had resumed talking with Genivieve. Gen was smiling while she talked, her eyes every so often landing on Jensen. Gale fed up with Jensen's annoying behaviour, turned only to see him fumbling with his black tie. After a while of watching him, she got up and marched over to him.

"Can you help me please?" Jensen admitted, his smile back on his face.

"You can't do anything!" She snapped, wacking him slightly over the head before sorting out his tie.

"Hey! It's not my fau-" he was interrupted by an irratated Gale.

"You'd think a man would know how to tie a tie!" Jensen sniggered at her ranting.

"Oh, shut up." A reluctant smile tugged at Gale's lips. Jensen choosing not to respond, simply looked over at Gen whom had stood up straightening her wedding dress out. Her hair was tied in a careless bun at the back, with strands falling about her face elegantly, the white flowers in her hair making her look beautiful. The lace on her dress started at her waist spreading out at either sides, flowing gracefully behind her. Gale let go, satisfied with the tie and sauntered back to Gen. Jensen admired her: she walked with such finesse and grace, the green dress falling about her. The dress draping downwards, revealed her slender back. It encompassed her so elegantly, he couldn't quite believe the woman before him. Gale's hair was tousled slightly, falling about her face beautifully; he was intoxicated by the sight of her.

"Hello? Where's Misha?" Gale peered into his face, searching for an answer.

"He's with Jared, waiting for you."

"Are you ready?" She turned back to Gen who took the beautiful bouquet of flowers in her hands and smiled softly. Gale moved to the side as Jensen came to Gen. He kissed her forehead gently, before pulling back to look at her. He brushed his hand over her face, happiness ebbing her features.

"You look beautiful.. I'm glad we're finally here." He smiled at her, taking the veil and lowering it over her face.

"I think your dad is going to be here soon." He stepped away to asses himself in the mirror. Gen took a deep breath before turning to the door, a friendly face popping through. A pleasant smile stretched across the mans face, hidden among a well groomed beard. Clad in a black suit, he stepped through the door.

"Dad!" Gen said happily, taking him in her embrace. He chuckled slightly as he pulled back.

"Genevieve, you look breathtaking." He smiled proudly before turning to Gale.

"Hello Mr. Courtese!" Jensen said cheerfully, smiling.

"Hi, Jensen." He waved at Jensen in the back, giving him a smile.

Gen glanced inbetween Gale and her dad, before continuing.

"This is Gale Laine, my maid of honour. Gale, this is my dad, Mark Courtese."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Courtese." She beamed at him, but soon, he put his gentle hand on her forearm a grateful smile on his lips.

"The pleasure is all mine, Gale." She smiled at him again, before he turned back to Gen, whom of which was looking around to make sure she hadn't forgotten something. He was a real gentlemen.

"Gen, ready to go get hitched?" Her dad said, a small grin appearing.

"Yeah!" She smiled happily as she weaved her arm through her dad's and took a deep breath. Jensen next to Gale, they exited the room, gale's arm linked with Jensen's. They walked down the corridor and before they knew it, Gen was a door away from her husband to be. Gale touched Gen arm briefly, smiling at her when she turned back. Gale turned to Jensen who was smiling gleefully, and soon Jensen turned to look at her, his eyes twinkling with happiness. She rubbed his arm briefly before taking a deep breath and opening the door. Everyone turned to look at the 4, their eyes at once widening at the sight of Gen. She looked positively out of this world. There was some 'aww's in the audience, but gen didn't notice: her eyes were locked on her partner. Jared was smiling, smiling so much, it looked like it was he could simply crack a rib from the sheer happiness he was exuding. They made their way down the aisle, reaching the top, jensen moving to Jared's side and Gale moving to Gen's. Their entwined hands lingered with each other's before, Gale reluctantly letting go. Gen's father kissed the top of her head, and let her stand opposite Jared. Her dress trailed behind her, gale lifting it for her, until she turned to face Jared.

One Last Beginning: A Last Chance {Jensen Ackles Fanfic} *under editing*Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα