Mari heard the door shut somewhere far off and she started whispering something strange. She stopped when she realized she was talking about Kidd. She held her mouth with her hurting hands and her black eyes were wide. "What is wrong with me?" she asked, tears falling from her cheeks. "My eyes are black." She covered them with her other arm. "I... I really am a demon.

Her hands fell and she laid there, staring at the sealing. The door opened and the witch Erica from before walked in with a tray of food and a little stack of clothing. Mari sat up and looked over at her. She set the tray on a table and handed Mari the clothing. "I hope they fit." Erica said, gently placing Mari's hands on the soft fabric. Mari wondered at the woman's soft touch.

Erica turned and Mari pulled off the hospital shirt she was wearing. She put the other clothing on, her hands aching with pain. She noticed Erica glancing back at the keshin eyes on her chest and her black eyes and Mari turned her dark eyes down. The t-shirt and jeans were comfortable, the black clothing fitting perfectly.

Erica smiled and put the food tray on Mari's lap and sat down at her feet and gently put warm socks and boots on Mari's sore feet. Mari looked down at Erica and the food, then her broken fingers. "Th-thank you Erica." She said.

Erica smiled and nodded. "Medusa told me to." She sat behind Mari and began to brush her hair.

Mari lifted a fork and began to try eating the food. She winced with each bite, her hands stinging. When she was finally finished, Erica handed her a pill and told her to take it.

Mari looked down at it, unsure, then swallowed it dry. She stood, her feet moaning a little. She cracked her back and sighed, enjoying the popping sound. "Where do I have to go?" she asked Erica.

Erica pointed. "I'll show you." She opened the door to the small room and Mari's dark eyes pinched shut with the light.

Suddenly, a flood of forgotten memories came back to her in a torrent of red. Somebody cutting into her stomach with a knife, a man with glasses. And the worst part was, she knew him. She crumpled to the ground as she remembered the other man that had been there, sucking the memories from her. He was smiling. She pressed her hands to her head as she remembered being helpless as they sucked her memories away and sliced her skin open. It must have happened when she was in the mental hospital.

She tucked her legs up into herself as she started crying. "Mari!" Erica said, not knowing what to do.

Mari put her face on her knees and silently shook as she finally realized she was absolutely alone.

A woman's arms wrapped around her and pulled her into a hug. "Mari," Medusa's voice said gently, a hand running over her head. "Mari, it's alright, I'm here."

Mari shook as she remembered more details from when they had dissected her alive and ripped her memories away. She puled herself closer to Medusa. "They... they were... he was dissecting me and he was..." she stopped as a tremor went through her body. "he took my memories away... again."

Medusa's arms tightened around Mari and she gently pet her head. "It's okay." She whispered. A crazed smile went over her face and kissed Mari's head. "We'll kill them. We'll kill them and make them feel our pain."

Mari shivered and leaned into Medusa more. "Okay." Her eyes were dull, all traces of happiness gone. She felt a faint pulsing of the keshin eyes on her stomach at the mention of death. She put a hand on her stomach as it to calm "them".

Medusa lifted Mari to her feet very gently and tucked the girls hair behind her shoulders. "Mari, have you ever heard of black blood?" Medusa asked. it was just the two of them now, walking down the hall.

Mari nodded. "Your son Crona has black blood." She stared vacantly as her memories came back to her.

"Yes. Yes." Medusa said, holding Mari's arm and playing with a piece of Mari's blue hair. "You have to combine a witch soul into the person who will have black blood, and then mix a small part of black blood into the original blood flow. Then you have black blood." She looked over at Mari's face. "It makes a person very strong and powerful." She switched as if she was now talking like Mari had decided to turn her blood black. "You are going to kill so many people you hate! With the power the blood will give you." Medusa's prying eyes searched Mari's smooth, supple flesh, wanting to see the riches that lay beneath, and change it the perfect amount to be perfect.

"Okay." Mari said as if Medusa had offered something. "Make my blood black.

The witch stared at the girl for a moment, then smiled happily. "Okay. I'm going to have to find a suitable witch soul... but in the time being," she looked over Mari. "You just sleep a little longer." She passed a hand over Mari's face and her eyes fluttered. Medusa caught Mari as she began to fall unconscious. "I've never done anything like this to a weapon. This should be fun!" Mari's eyes closed and she slipped into nothingness, hoping she wouldn't wake up.


-Please stand by-

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